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Weird Habit Thread Anonymous Thu 06/07/2023 2:22:58 PM 1 year ago No. 1114
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In this thread, we will discuss our habits people would find weird. These habits are stuff that people won't call you a freak for doing but will still shake their heads at the actions. Just because the thread is for weird habits doesn't mean it'll excuse breaking the site rules. don't bother discussing anything that's rulebreaking. I'll start off this thread.
> Crushing aluminum cans with tires
I sell the aluminum can for the money I can get for them. Selling empty cans are more satisfying to me than throwing the cans away. Full-sized can't be stacked for long until they become a mess. To make things less cluttered, I crush the cans. Empty cans are not exactly stable when you try to stand on them. The most efficient way I've found is to crush the cans with my tires. First, I flatten the middle section of the can with my hands, and then I place them sideways under the wheels. Whenever I go out, I get four flat cans that are easier to store. Thankfully cans are not sharp enough to puncture tires.
>Spending time with cats
I like to hold my cats to show my cats I love them. My cats like to run around and are generally active, so sometimes it is hard just to be with them. Sometimes I hold my cat and meow at them. The cats don't understand why I meow at them, but I find it funny and hope they understand my affection for them. I try to let them go when they want to go, and it hurts sometimes.
When I communicate with people I am not close with sometimes I don't want an immediate response. Forced communication with professors or people I don't know makes me not want to look at my devices. I shouldn't overthink a simple email but I have at times.
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Anonymous Tue 11/03/2025 3:18:08 AM 20 days ago No. 4279
The fuck are you on about nigger. Fapping isnt wrong, its excessive fapping thats to blame
Anonymous Thu 13/03/2025 3:33:52 AM 18 days ago No. 4286
When I am mentally sperging I shake my hands in a circular motion.
Anonymous Sat 15/03/2025 5:13:05 PM 16 days ago No. 4294
I do this too, the jazz hands motion. I've only started noticing myself doing it recently, but I don't like to call it a nervous tic, even though that's what it is.
Anonymous Sun 16/03/2025 4:07:47 AM 15 days ago No. 4295
It feels so goofy for me to do. I try to do this motion when I am alone.
Anonymous Tue 25/03/2025 4:08:52 AM 6 days ago No. 4327
I make up impersonations of my internet friends even if I've never heard. Sometimes, I repeat their mannerism and phrases to myself when I am bored and by myself. It makes me laugh and lessens the boredom.

Ufo are real Anonymous Sun 23/03/2025 10:39:13 AM 8 days ago No. 4317
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Anonymous Sun 23/03/2025 10:40:29 AM 8 days ago No. 4318

Q&A Thread Anonymous Thu 12/01/2023 2:58:14 PM 2 years ago No. 205
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Ask a question, and hopefully, you'll receive an answer. 22anons will ask and answer the questions themselves. I'll ask the first question. Why does the time go by so fast when I am having fun?
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Anonymous Tue 11/03/2025 2:59:15 AM 20 days ago No. 4275
you are on it you nigger faggot
Anonymous Tue 11/03/2025 3:01:21 AM 20 days ago No. 4276
My own oc porn, 160GB of porn from all different angles with around 20 different girls. Shit is like a personal pornhub
Anonymous Tue 11/03/2025 3:01:46 AM 20 days ago No. 4277
Touché my nigger
Anonymous Tue 11/03/2025 3:05:34 AM 20 days ago No. 4278
Its freedom in its maximum expression. Anons dont have a face, a gender, a position of authority or if subservience. Anybody can be called a faggot or a nigger for making retarded arguments and thats the beauty of it.

Normie social media like reddit snd instagram stiffle all authenticity by being overly protective of .002% of actual faggots and offended niggers that dont like some meanie words
Anonymous Sat 22/03/2025 4:03:19 AM 9 days ago No. 4315
Is it natural for some parts of cats hair being thin or gone for a time period?

Snacks Thread Anonymous Mon 26/12/2022 2:40:21 AM 2 years ago No. 3
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I like to eat snacks. I got a bunch of imported ones that appear to be from Korea and Japan, so now I am eating pic related. It's a lot like Corn Nuts, which are one of my favorites, so that's nice. Earlier, I ate a box of Whoppers, and I've been on the lookout for Haribo Berries lately, because I like those. I'll post more if I have anything interesting, though I probably won't always have photos. What snacks are you eating?
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Anonymous Mon 06/01/2025 4:51:09 AM 2 months ago No. 3974
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I tried the black monster energy, and it tasted exactly like the prime drink I am replying to. They taste like sugar garbage, and I don't intend on drinking any more of these flavors unless I get these drinks for free.
Anonymous Mon 06/01/2025 5:24:01 AM 2 months ago No. 3977
I recently bought a Japanese/Korean exotic candy sampler pack and I regret my decision so fucking much because the candy contained within is something I wouldn't wish upon my worst enemy. More than half of it tasted so horrendous but I kept sampling and sampling because eventually something decent will come up right? I reached this one candy which was made out of corn and also looked like a toy replica of a corn and the first bite into it I didn't think of it that much but the after taste sent me to throw up and so I threw all of it away. I stayed away from all sweets for a good while after that.
Anonymous Mon 06/01/2025 5:41:42 AM 2 months ago No. 3978
now i'm curious, do you remember which ones tasted bad? or was it so terrible that you blanked it out of your mind.
Anonymous Thu 20/02/2025 6:04:37 AM 1 month ago No. 4201
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I tried the new Blue Hawaiian Monster Energy and it is an excellent flavor. The first time to me it tasted like a carbon copy of the Gold flavor to me. After a few cans, I grew fond of the blue and gold flavors I tasted. The taste has a relaxing feel for me. I'd recommend it if you are a fan of both the gold and blue monster flavors.
Anonymous Wed 12/03/2025 3:41:10 PM 19 days ago No. 4284
Never bothered with cheese curds because there was always a "stigma" attached to them, they "squeeked" also they where "curdled" but after trying them for the first time, clearly that was a mistake to avoid them.
There's no bad aftertaste, infact they just taste like slightly sharp mozzarella, and there's no "rubbery texture" or "squeek" at all. A good snack, just as good as mozzarella sticks and better tasting then regular sharp cheddar. Might make pouteen poutine with them.

How to use Nico Nico Douga CAT Fri 24/11/2023 11:26:48 AM 1 year ago No. 1825
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This thread exists to explain to the anons browsing twentytwo on how to use the Japanese otaku video-sharing website Nico Nico Douga (Smile Video). So by the end of this I am hoping you will be able to upload videos, create mylists, and search for videos properly.
Nico Nico Douga's English variation platform was abolished recently although it wasn't really usable to begin with given how poorly it was maintained and nothing was explained to the user in the end.
I will also mention that the website best works with chromium based browser (I recommend ungoogled chromium, free of spyware) with Firefox there is tons of stuttering and slow loading times making it really unusable a lot of the times.

I will start off with Nico Nico Douga's Navigation Bar and explain what each of these tabs are.
Nico Nico Douga Icon: Click the Nico Nico symbol to return to the homepage.
Videos (動画): Browse all uploaded videos.
Images (静画): View user-submitted artwork.
Live Broadcasts (生放送): Explore a variety of available live streams.
Channels (チャンネル): A dedicated space where content creators, businesses, and organizations share videos, live broadcasts, and blogs.
Nico Nico Pedia (大百科): An extensive knowledge base featuring community-contributed articles on Nico Nico and Japanese internet culture.
Live Commentary (実況): Engage in sharing real-time danmaku (bullet comments) while watching TV or listening to radio broadcasts.
Nico Nico Douga Anime (Nアニメ): A comprehensive anime information and streaming platform, enabling users to share live danmaku comments during anime viewing.

Bloggers (ブロマガ): User-created blogs.
Contribution (ニコニ貢献): A service designed to visualize the contributions of supporters and the gratitude of creators.
Commons (コモンズ): A wide range of free user-created materials (BGMs, Sound Effects, Voice, Image/Video Materials, Character materials, Backgrounds & Wallpapers, Video Production Tools, Voice Synthesis, etc.) for versatile creative use like creating videos.
Nico Nico 3D (ニコニ立体): User-created 3D models many of which are available for download.
Partner Pass (NicoFT): Obtain personally signed digital items from creators in limited quantities, and support creators as "Partners."
Community (コミュニティ): A service where premium members can establish communities (groups) where participants can post, play, and comment on videos within the community (Newly uploaded or existing on Nico Nico Douga). You can use a community-specific comment thread, allowing for member-only conversations.
News (ニュース): A service that allows users to enjoy communication with each other triggered by news which receives news offerings from approximately 189 distribution media. There is also News Original for exclusive articles related to user-submitted videos on niconico and interviews with renowned users.
Nico Nico Q (ニコニコQ): A question submission service provided by niconico.
Premium Exclusive (特典コンテンツ): When you subscribe to their premium service, you also get the ability to enjoy premium-only videos like the ability to watch limited animes.

Search Bar:
Search by format: Video, Image, Live Broadcasts.
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Anonymous Tue 04/03/2025 5:14:19 AM 27 days ago No. 4260

Today, U.S. based internet corporation FC2 officially lost the lawsuit against DWANGO after Japan's top courts, specifically the Second Petty Bench, rejected FC2's appeal of two separate rulings on July 2022 and May 2023.
Judges rule that, "If the patent has to lose its effectiveness only because the videos are distributed from abroad, the patent law cannot serve its purpose of contributing to the development of industry through the protection and promotion of inventions."
So, unless you're based in a country where such patent laws are not valid (PRC, for example), this means any attempts to bolster or have a comment system similar to that of niconico abroad, especially for commercial intentions like FC2, it is highly unlikely there will be any competitive platform that will have a similar comment system to niconico. You can also find a ton of comments and SNS posts congratulating DWANGO on the lawsuit victory, despite a lot of people's qualms about management's incompetent. I saw one ニコ厨 pleading bilibili to create a Japanese version of the website for them after the implosion that was niconico (ku)'s underwhelming press conference.
Anonymous Tue 04/03/2025 5:17:30 AM 27 days ago No. 4261
Actually, I was mistaken. I keep forgetting that Twitter has a huge issue with impression zombies, and most of the "positive towards DWANGO" posts are Indian/Pakistani botfarms attempts to gain revenue through these posts. There was even a song about this last year, and it seems to still be getting rather bad: [Play]
Anonymous Tue 04/03/2025 5:52:37 AM 27 days ago No. 4262
This is the May 2023 appeal submitted by FC2's lawyers, and it mentions bilibili four times. It is likely though players like DPlayer or any commercial bilibili player with danmaku functionality are outside of the legal jurisdiction of Japan, and why they are still not sued by KADOKAWA-DWANGO.
In this post, even sigekun (Dwango COO, niconico representative) encouraged niconico users to report any danmaku comment add-ons and extensions, as they also infringe DWANGO's patents (this may also include Twitch's user-created danmaku extension). Some of the links to these add-ons posted in the replies were also taken down by KADOKAWA's IP lawyers.
Anonymous Tue 11/03/2025 6:08:48 AM 20 days ago No. 4281

Well, good news, apparently niconico staff are upping the audio bitrate limit to 576kbps, not quite lossless quality, but its better than the current 192kbps limit.
Still, it won't really rectify the damage on a ton of old "high audio quality" uploads that were encoded in 320kbps back in the day, as those have been permanently encoded to 160-192kbps, with the smile_high encodes completely wiped. Thanks, UNEI.
Anonymous Tue 11/03/2025 6:37:31 AM 20 days ago No. 4282

Video submission specifications for niconico:
Video Overwrite Correction Campaign (Premium members only can participate)
24-hour Overwrite Correction Submission Guidelines (Premium members only feature)

More information regarding submission of works that wish to take advantage of the high-quality audio feature. Note: High-quality audio option will not be available until around April 2025, and it is a premium-member only feature. If you attempt to upload a video with high quality audio, but it doesn't show up, you have 24 hours to correct your submission following the video submission guidelines to have your high-quality submission recognized.
If you wish to use the 576kbps feature, you must set the sampling frequency to 88.2kHz-96kHz.
Otherwise, your audio that is posted in PCM and FLAC will be converted to 320kbps (kind of like what this website does); although if you upload audio at 256kbps or higher, it will also upconvert it to 320kbps.
Side note: I had no idea niconico supported AV1 already, it was already one of the most requested technical features to add to niconico to ease the burden of storage space on niconico's servers and bandwidth for both dwango and the users, but it came at a cost of processing power since most devices did not support AV1 decoding until many devices that came out a few years ago to now and the future.

Volunteers only Anonymous Wed 05/03/2025 2:20:42 AM 26 days ago No. 4270
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The gems of Arstotzka belong to Arstotzka
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Anonymous Wed 05/03/2025 5:54:12 AM 26 days ago No. 4271
This isn't anime and manga?

Nature/Outdoors Thread Anonymous Tue 10/01/2023 6:11:30 PM 2 years ago No. 188
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In this thread, we will discuss experiences we have outside. Today I was getting time outside because it feels like a healthy thing to do, and I saw four deer. Three of them were watching me while I was outside, and one of them was uninterested in me and walked off. One of the deers was sniffing the other one. Unfortunately, I didn't have a good camera to take a photo.
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Anonymous Thu 23/01/2025 6:29:17 AM 2 months ago No. 4096
Around 2 pm today Suprise Ted kinda melted, he was too good for his world.
In other news it was like 6 inches of snow which is fucking insane for a place that hasn't got snowed in, in maybe 100 years. It was incredible, i haven't even felt snow before at all of seen it, besides in the movies and in games so it was really cool. I wish i could have gotten into a snow ball fight with someone, Couldn't find anyone so i just threw a couple at the wall. No one actually talks how hard it is to make a snowman or a snow ball, its so soft and you really have to compact that stuff. I also fell for the stupid meme of like, trying to roll that stuff into a big ball like the cartoons. Made a snow angel, stayed outside for damn near the entire day, drank hot coco, i'll never forget this experience.
Anonymous Thu 13/02/2025 5:18:54 AM 1 month ago No. 4176
It's been raining a lot lately. Opening the windows to smell the dirt has been nice. When I try to go on nightwalk the way it has been windy has made the rain annoying though.
Anonymous Thu 13/02/2025 5:39:58 AM 1 month ago No. 4177
how is it annoying?
Anonymous Thu 20/02/2025 5:52:48 AM 1 month ago No. 4200
The wind makes it less appealing to go outside. Wind+Rain makes the rain soak you and make you feel uncomfortable and wetter than you normally would. Rain can be manageable with jackets and umbrellas but the rain makes lessens the effectiveness of those items.
Anonymous Sun 02/03/2025 5:41:01 AM 29 days ago No. 4250
The weather has been excellent lately. It has felt almost like Spring in the best way. The grass looks really nice and pretty and it is comfy to walk out. The quality has inspired me to get out a little more lately.

Literature Anonymous Fri 10/11/2023 5:52:54 AM 1 year ago No. 1778
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ITT: Books, Novels Short stories and anything related.
I was reading Killers of the flower moon recently and it was a good historical book. Secretly it was also a western thriller. (dispite it being nonfiction) It flipped perspectives to diffrent people which made it almost an anthology of sorts, and it was pretty refreshing to hear diffrent stories from diffrent people instead of a one sided narritive.
Another book i read was the irl adventures of a man exploring the wastes of chernobyle although i forgot the name it was a fun read, he was basically homeless and somewhat suffering but his willpower and attraction to the disaster is what kept him coming back over and over.
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Anonymous Sun 26/01/2025 11:06:30 PM 2 months ago No. 4114
I don't know why i spoilered the last bit, but thats just a taste. Early on, one of the situations that sets off the primary issues that kicks off the story is steriotypical terrorist durka durka allah akbar, porn enjoying, 72 virgin fucking muslum sandniggers who sets off a dirty bomb in their own country, then later the second time in america. I mean that literaly, the first bomb was set off by an autistic savant koran worshipping muslum who was given free porn by other muslums. the other bomb was set off by these two delerious muslums on a boat who pretty much set it off by accident put of sickness and mental retardation.
Anonymous Sun 26/01/2025 11:17:55 PM 2 months ago No. 4115

They were offended when I bought this land. They used to think of it as their own private hunting preserve.”“Tell me about the run-ins,” Jeff persisted.“We used to keep a hunting tent at the top of the canyon. After we asked them to stop trespassing, one of their clan broke into our equipment locker and crapped all over the handles.”Jeff lowered the binos. “They literally shit on your equipment locker?”Jason shrugged. “They’re rednecks. Down on their land, they’ve built a ghetto survival retreat—they’ve got foxholes, buildings made out of pallets, tripwires. It’s like a scene out of Deliverance.”“What did you do about them shitting on your locker?” Jeff drilled down.“We let it go. Eventually they quit coming over the mountain to hunt.”
This pissed me off, because they bought the land without even talking to the people that lived there and they most likely owned the land beforehand and got the land they owned pull out from under them, and yet they are a bunch of "inbred hicks"? fucking whatever man.
Jason’s answer made him feel self-conscious, like he had compromised his “man card” by not making the Beringers face consequences for their disrespect. By all accounts, Jason was a man’s man. Tall and broad of shoulder, he had taken care of himself, working out daily, lifting weights and completing a handful of half-ironman triathlons over the years. He had been an Eagle Scout and, since boyhood, he had spent a large chunk of his life in the woods. But even a “man’s man” felt self-conscious around Jeff Kirkham. No amount of civilized outdoorsmanship compared
with two-and-a-half decades living in the muck as a Green Beret.“Those Beringer people can’t stay,” Jeff concluded, not inviting discussion.“I’d like them gone, too, but they own that land. I don’t see how we can run them off their own land without inviting others to do the same to us.”“Where there’s a will, there’s a way.” Jeff handed back the binoculars with a blank smile. That smile made Jason uncomfortable. It implied gamesmanship. It hinted at a desire for a chess match, like something out of a Kipling novel, a penchant for cheating, a pleasure at defeating others through superior maneuvering. Nothing implied by that smile put Jason at ease with Jeff Kirkham. Jason was well aware that American Special Forces operators cheated. They fought at night with night vision and air support. They used technological advantage to win with grotesque dominance over the enemy. Top-tier Green Berets were often loaned to the CIA, where the deeds ran dark and deep. Jeff had almost certainly triggered foreign insurgencies by employing carefully set layers of intrigue and connivance. He had spent a lifetime in the mind-bending juxtaposition where an operator’s personal reputation and integrity among Americans was everything. That same operator would smile at a terrorist across the table, call him brother, use him like a dishrag, then radio in an air strike to kill him.During the decades Jeff fought for his country using every trick in the book, Jason built wealth and honed his ability as a leader of enterprise. He made a career out of full disclosure and fair dealing. He had been taught early on that virtue won most battles on the fields of commerce and had made a great deal of money through cooperation, collaboration and respect.Jason didn’t know the half of Jeff’s career, and he suspected Jeff had spent time within the shadowy elements of the United States government. Jason worried that the same subterfuge might someday be turned on him.He looked at Jeff for a long moment. What’s good for the goose is good for the gander. What befell the Beringers could easily befall the Ross family, Jason thought to himself.
And then after that there's a gigantic circlejerk on how cool jeff kirkham is, i actually feel sorry for the other author jason ross lmao. THIS IS JUST A DEVIANT ART FANFIC.
Anonymous Mon 03/02/2025 5:37:26 PM 1 month ago No. 4138
Been reading One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest.
I like it, it's nice. Was thinking that it would be dreary but it's actually uplifting. I like how mcmurphy pointed out the nonsense of the system and he helped out characters like chief reclaim their humanity.
Anonymous Mon 10/02/2025 5:27:40 PM 1 month ago No. 4165
jung's biography is pretty funny. at one point he tried to hypnotise a client for in collage and things ended up getting trippy as fuck.
so before he could start the client put HERSELF under hypnosis before jung could start, and internally jung is freaking the fuck out because he has no fucking clue as to what in the goddamn is happening so he plays it straight because the other students and teachers are watching, everything works out and the client gives jung everything he needs to pretty much declare the client as sane and jung shouts "YOU SEE THIS IS THE POWER OF HYPNOTISM" to the onlooking students meanwhile internally he's happy it's finally over because he seriously could have been in hot water and probably kicked out.
also as a kid his bogeyman was the fucking jesuits, and whenever he saw a catholic preist he'd get frightend.
Anonymous Thu 27/02/2025 3:57:46 PM 1 month ago No. 4244
I remembered a qoute from fight club that has been running around in my head recently so i thought i'd find it, and post it here.

If you're male and you're Christian and living in America, your father is your model for God. And if you never know your father, if your father bails out or dies or is never at home, what do you believe about God?

What you end up doing is you spend your life searching for a father and God.

What you have to consider is the possibility that God doesn't like you. Could be, God hates us. This is not the worst thing that can happen.

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