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Wtf Happened Sun 10/03/2024 3:50:40 PM 11 months ago No. 2490
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WTF Happened? Why is the 4chan-esque layout gone??? WHY IS THE LOGO GONE??? WHAT HAPPENED??
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Anonymous Sun 10/03/2024 3:59:53 PM 11 months ago No. 2491
22Chan died, and was revived with the same rules and userbase.
Anonymous Mon 11/03/2024 12:33:26 AM 11 months ago No. 2498
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Twoot abandoned us.
We were left in the bunker for more than a year.
The radiation faded and we were finally able to leave our bunker and create a new home. A new frontier, made entirely by us and for us.
It's been pretty darn cool.
Anonymous Mon 11/03/2024 3:51:24 AM 11 months ago No. 2499
I am shock, and at the same time I find it cool old people are finding us.
Anonymous Mon 11/03/2024 4:35:10 AM 11 months ago No. 2501
How long have you been gone? Why haven't you checked how the site was doing till now?

Anonymous Sun 11/02/2024 12:34:24 PM 12 months ago No. 2283
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Hey anybody got any tips or way on browsing 4chan safely and privately? Shit gets crazy in there sometimes.
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Anonymous Sun 11/02/2024 7:58:21 PM 12 months ago No. 2288
sage Sun 11/02/2024 8:02:58 PM 12 months ago No. 2289
I wouldn't know
Anonymous Mon 12/02/2024 11:52:35 AM 12 months ago No. 2291
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What a weird thread
Anonymous Tue 13/02/2024 3:04:32 AM 11 months ago No. 2293
Visit and have fun. Other than just lurk if you really want to go on 4chan.
Anonymous Thu 15/02/2024 4:55:31 AM 11 months ago No. 2298
Download a VPN, If your paranoid, make your own. Disable images from being viewed. (infact just disable everything as so long as it doesnt mess with your browsing experience.) download ublock origin and maybe umatrix if your browser allowes extentions.
only browse non retarded boards if you care (not /b/ or any of the nsfw boards)

A Polaroid Video of Folding Space Anonymous Thu 01/02/2024 10:39:57 PM 1 year ago No. 2208
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This thread is for the comic I've begun working on, "A Polaroid Video of Folding Space". All posts about the comic should be in this thread. All updates will also be in this thread.
It's an anonymous comic I'm working on for free, and the cats here seem to be excited for it, so I will be uploading all 11 pages ITT.
>What is this about?
Something happened to Percinnius. An ancient ghost with a visage of diamonds and wrapped in reflective shadows was born into the world, doomed to forever be hunted by the praeternatural manifestation of opposition itself and eternally shunned by the worlds he is a part of. His goal; to reveal the secrets of life and death, so that he may return to the land of the living and experience true warmth once again.
>Thread theme: [Play]
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Anonymous Fri 02/02/2024 6:27:37 AM 1 year ago No. 2218
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Percinnius is a pretty cool guy eh denies demiurges and doesn't afraid of anything
Anonymous Fri 02/02/2024 6:51:00 AM 1 year ago No. 2220
Wicked sick. I'm glad somebody out there likes this so much. Enough to put together some cool fanart like this.
Thanks, anon. It means a lot
Anonymous Sat 03/02/2024 4:00:18 AM 1 year ago No. 2224
Its a great story so far and the art is incredible, looking forward to the series.
Anonymous Sun 04/02/2024 8:36:44 PM 1 year ago No. 2236
i wonder how percinnius is going to avoid the adversary, he seems like an unstoppable foe.
Anonymous Mon 05/02/2024 11:08:18 PM 1 year ago No. 2246
I bet through the power of friendship.

Humanity is God Anonymous Sun 17/12/2023 12:44:24 AM 1 year ago No. 1949
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This is just a silly way I came up with to define God, which makes some sense (to me) and is loosely compliant with the attributes commonly associated with God.

Let's define God as any "thing" that is all-knowing, all-powerful and omnipresent, and humanity as all of the humans that ever existed and will exist, their actions and their experiences.
We can notice than that:
- Humanity is all-knowing, because there will never be anything that a human will know that will not be known by humanity (since that human is part of it)
- Humanity is all-powerful, because no human will ever be capable of something that humanity isn't (since that human is part of it)
- Humanity is omnipresent, because no human will ever be in a place not reached by humanity (since that human is part of it)
Therefore, humanity is God.

You're probably disappointed. Firstly, this is captain obvious-tier logic: of course no human is better than the best of all humans that ever existed (at the very least because no human is better than himself). But thing is I'm not trying to reveal some deep insight here; this is just a definition, as arbitrary as all are.
Secondly, you might be thinking: "what kind of lame all-knowledge/all-power/omnipresence is that? It shouldn't be so relative to humans! At the very least, God should be better than humans!". Well, if you insist that God must be absolute, then my definition sucks, case closed. But before you refuse to compromise on that, consider how human-like God is in most religions. According to Christianity, humans were created "in the image of God"; but if we resemble God, then God must resemble us. In general, there is much human character to the Gods of every religion. But if you think about it, just like the earth is not the center the solar system and the sun is an average star in the galaxy, it's quite unlikely that there's anything "central" or "absolute" about humans. So in my opinion, a truly absolute God of the universe wouldn't be similar to us.
At the end of the day what I'm doing is, between the two contradictory ideas about God being "similar to humans" vs "absolute", choosing the former. I find this amusing because it seems like everybody else would rather choose the latter.
So, what do you think? Is this lame or neat? Do you find thinking about words this way to be sterile? Or perhaps if you have your own silly definition of God, I'd like to hear it!
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Underrated Vocaloid [Nostalgic] Anonymous Mon 23/01/2023 11:59:00 PM 2 years ago No. 302
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Let us post/discuss more older and underrated Vocaloid videos by lesser known artists.
I made this thread in the hopes of getting actual interesting discussion going about the videos that are going to be posted in this thread so please don't just post a bunch of links and then fuck off.
When you post a video please elaborate in any way you can about that video whether it is describing the feeling you get when listening to it, talking about the artist and his other works, or posting any additional interesting details about that video.
Many of these videos do not have a translation so providing additional context to make the viewer understand what it is about would be appreciated,
or if you want you can subtitle the video yourself using a tool like and translators like or
VIPPALOIDS are also welcome.
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Anonymous Thu 19/10/2023 12:16:45 PM 1 year ago No. 1644
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The translated title is: Satellite Love @ Miku-san (Original) by HMO [Play]
You can find the album here:
I used to listen to this a lot back then especially when I was depressed or something I just would put this on and kind of drift to sleep in my bed. It's a rather very unique sounding song and I especially love how unique HMO makes Hatsune Miku's voice sound in this.
Anonymous Sat 21/10/2023 12:52:58 PM 1 year ago No. 1653
You know looking at this video I kind of got a community project idea so I'll just write it out before I forget it completely.
Basically we'd make a similar video using the same song (Maybe even slightly change it to fit 22chan style) where we would get someone to buy a suit that looks similar to how Anonymous looks and then they would recreate a similar looking box like she is holding with >>390's image inside of it and they would do a bunch of poses like the girl in the video showing off this box but instead of the background being real life places we would replace it with a bunch of random interesting internet websites and basically it would be as if 22chan is visiting all of these internet websites. We could also rewrite the lyrics of the song like those threads on /sewers/ that we have, ex: >>>/sewers/756/#756
Thoughts? Please let me know if this sounds retarded.
Anonymous Sat 21/10/2023 5:17:21 PM 1 year ago No. 1655
I would consider nothing to be impossible or retarded, Unless it attracts unwanted attention, And leads what little community we have left down the wrong path. I would also consider security, And logistics. If 4chan can do this [Play] nothing is impossible. We can pretty much do anything.
What i mean by logistics is The people we have and their abilities. Remember that after the great purge we maybe have like 30 people or so. another this is for an example, If lyrics need to be sung i'd sound kinda retarded but i can do it anyway if needed. I am working on my art skills and really i can only draw shitty ms-paint art if that. I can write, and brainstorm and anything involving music is impossibe to me. I can attempt to write music lyrics but shit like lyrical flow isn't my thing lol.
That pretty much goes for everybody else, Some people might have actual musical skill or great drawing ability, It all depends on the amount of people we have.
It also depends of the nature of the project, Would we rely on the OP as a lynch pin? Would it be frustrating for you if its just you, and another person? Who would do the editing? Think of the neocities thread, Not to be rude to the OP of that project but since he's gone or dead any additions to the thread is impossible. (also it might be frustrating to an OP of a project if he is the only one that has to animate something by himself for an example) It can be argued the 22chan Album thread on /mu/ is the same but thanks to embeded mp3s it is now possible to continue the project forever. Even without the OP to add the project to bandcamp, the project lives on forever.
About privacy, As everyone knows this is an anonymous website so anything that can lead to people recognising eachother and so on is something to avoid. As you mentioned about the fellow dressed like anonymous, He should either stand in a room which is either blank or should take measures to make it like those green screen rooms they use to make movies or like what people do to photograph stuff to sell online. Covering walls and floors with sheets and such. I would ask the person to wear a green skinsuit under the suit too. Another factor is that he can literally take the pic of himself holding the thing and go and just draw over it (ms paint or otherwise to make himself look like anonymous. The latter might actually look pretty cool like A-ha's take on me [Play]
But that is my opinion and it depends on what everyone would find enjoyable.
Another thing about privacy is niggers and discord. The guy running the neocities thread had the password on the site and a bunch of niggers took advantage of that and shat on the project. Also those type of asshats from other communities trying to take advantage of a project like this to force culture and shit that didn't exist here or is unwanted. If someone from elsewhere wanted to help i don't see the problem with it, Just be wary of not letting people take advantage of shit.
I guess you'll have to see how many people might be interested in such a project and if years go by without any biters you might have to scale it down unless you plan on doing all the heavy lifting which might suck for you. I don't think its retarded at all, If you said something like "lets make a 22chan anime" i might have scoffed since thats a ton of work and takes alot of people to produce. This seems simple enougth.
Anonymous Sun 22/10/2023 3:21:12 AM 1 year ago No. 1663
>Remember that after the great purge we maybe have like 30 people or so.
I think it actually feels like we have half of that number or maybe even less which does feel a bit discouraging I should say. I checked a bunch of statistic websites which say we get around 500 unique lurkers daily, but sometimes it feels like it's just those 30 people refreshing the page repeatedly, or maybe it's just bots trying to scrape information from our site.
>If lyrics need to be sung i'd sound kinda retarded but i can do it anyway if needed.
I don't think you have to be a good singer to participate in something like that just as long as you tried to the best of your ability and aren't just shitting into your mic half of the time. Plus, nowadays, we can always use AI voices to mask our voices or software like Vocaloid or UTAU if anyone has experience with those tools.
>It also depends of the nature of the project, Would we rely on the OP as a lynch pin? Would it be frustrating for you if its just you, and another person? Who would do the editing?
Those questions and scenarios I guess should be going into account when writing up the OP of the thread in question. However, a lot of the time, it feels a bit like procrastination or just being told to not do it because we get stuck dwelling on these questions and just end up not creating anything to begin with.
> I would ask the person to wear a green skinsuit under the suit too.
Yeah I was thinking about that when I said mentioned an Anonymous suit but I guess they would have to figure out who is going to record them in the first place taking those shots. I guess they could just place a phone camera that takes a video in a bunch of random locations to match the same type of shots as in the original video and then just take screenshots from that video, but really just making sure they don't by accident share something that could compromise them.
>he can literally take the pic of himself holding the thing and go and just draw over it.
That would also be a good idea since the Anonymous character is somewhat easier to draw compared to a lot of other things since he is just a lot less detailed.
> Also those type of asshats from other communities trying to take advantage of a project like this to force culture and shit that didn't exist here or is unwanted. If someone from elsewhere wanted to help i don't see the problem with it, Just be wary of not letting people take advantage of shit.
Yeah that is important to take into account and so it is important that we base the video on the current 22chan imageboard culture and not let some random outsider come in and try to insert their own shit into this.
Anonymous Sun 22/10/2023 4:29:54 AM 1 year ago No. 1664
>However, a lot of the time, it feels a bit like procrastination or just being told to not do it because we get stuck dwelling on these questions and just end up not creating anything to begin with.

Alright then, So the thread should just be made anyhow. Win or lose, Interest or disinterest, It is better to have the thread up then not trying anything at all. Having it up Also means that people might be intrested in the site in a good way and it might help build a userbase. Also what ever stragglers that browse here regularly will have something fun to do on the regular. The goal now is to make it accessable as possible for anyone to join in, To explain how this shit will be made and make as many threads as possible to help make it. Your probably better off having several threads to make it easier to talk, and create shit, As you mentioned that one thread could be made for the music re-write, another can be made for art and so on.

[Nostalgic] Early IM@S (Idolm@ster) MADs Anonymous Wed 18/10/2023 12:57:46 PM 1 year ago No. 1642
I've decided to revive this thread after going through all my mylists on Nico Nico Douga and revisiting a collection of Idolm@ster MADs I had saved a long time ago. If my memory serves me right, the previous thread didn't last long due to the site's shutdown and a lack of unique responses due to me not really explaining what these are supposed to be.

Idolm@ster was originally an arcade game by Bandai Namco. In the game, you play as a producer, and your job is to nurture your very own idol. It was later released on Xbox (the first game) and PlayStation (the second game, this one is shit).
in 2007 when people initially uploaded their gameplay videos to NND of IM@S on the Xbox and arcade it got incredibly popular and a kind of MAD craze happened around that time and by February 10, 2010 it crossed the 100,000 video mark.
If you don't know MAD/M@D refers to the editing of videos and audio to give them new meanings. This work involves creators using their imagination to transform original works into new creations, differentiating them from straightforward plagiarism. There are many types of different MADs and a video is usually tagged with what kind of MAD it is supposed to be (like Sound MAD, Game MAD, Movie MAD, etc.)
For further information I will recommend you check out these:アイドルマスター%20MAD (What is IM@S MAD? and a list of popular IM@S MAD videos) (From a early source if you want more information on Nico Nico Douga in English) (Another interesting blog post from early NND user Kanipan which is worth reading)

Since we are approaching Halloween I am going to start off this thread with my most favorite IM@S MAD video which is originally the opening to the anime called Hakaba Kitaro (Graveyard Kitaro), and so what I found really interesting about this opening is that it shows a bunch of clever used colorized cut outs of the original Hakaba Kitaro manga's first chapter which was actually the series that served as a inspiration for the popular horror stories manga and anime series called Gegege no Kintaro.
There is a TV size and full version for this MAD, and I love how for the full he went the extra step to draw bits that were not actually included in the original opening. [Play] [Play]
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Anonymous Thu 19/10/2023 12:52:55 AM 1 year ago No. 1643
This is another favorite of mine which features Chihaya Kisaragi as an AI living inside of your OS. The visuals are quite relaxing and simple yet very creative utilizing the Windows XP aesthetic. The song itself is from Pop'n Music 8 called 0/1 Angel.
This video is also part of the NoNoWire series which is basically a series you could submit your idolm@ster MADs to be played at the specific Idolm@ster events at the popular Japanese club known as "MOGRA" as long as you followed the submission rules of course. They also held one for each year like NoNoWire09 for 2009, NoNoWire10 for 2010, and so on. Though in this case the authors mentions how the work he submitted was too late and it wasn't featured in this years event.

If you are wondering about how they make the idols appear dancing to the song like in this video without utilizing any specific software (ex. MMD) Basically they would dress up their idol in the outfit they wanted and then in the game they would record them perform a bunch of different songs with some kind of mod that replaces the background with a greenscreen and then they would cut up the clips to match the song so it looks like they are actually singing it and matching the movements. You can find a bunch of tutorials on how to do this on Nico Nico Douga as well.
Anonymous Fri 20/10/2023 8:24:30 AM 1 year ago No. 1646
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The song is called "I'm ALIVE!" by Becca which was somewhat popular in Japan since it was featured in the ED of Black Butler but not so much in the west. She produced songs for Sony Music Entertainment Japan during her solo career since she signed a contract with them and she also had live performances in Japan: [Play]
The video itself utilized MMD and many other tools as seen in the credits, and was actually a entry into the "5th MMD Cup Final"
What is the MMD Cup?
The MMD Cup is a competition where participants use free software such as "MikuMikuDance," "RinRinDance," and "iSTDance" to create one video based on their choice of themes from several options. These videos are then publicly released in two rounds: the preliminary round (work-in-progress version) and the finals (completed version) within a specified period. Participants compete to earn points calculated based on the number of My List registrations for their videos.

In the video Miki Hoshii is supposed to be the main vocalist and based on the description the author even tried to change the voice to match more Miki's
I'm currently developing a tool that converts only the voice quality frequency from vocals with echoes and chorus extracted from the difference with karaoke audio sources into someone else's voice! (Since it's a transformation, the theme is "change").
As a sample, I tried applying Miki's voice to BECCA's I'm ALIVE. It's possible to adjust it to sound more like Miki, but doing so makes the syllable (pronunciation) noise worse...
It's still in the experimental stage, so it's not perfect yet.
Growing up a bit and thanks to learning English with Miki Miki.
Anonymous Sat 21/10/2023 7:20:25 PM 1 year ago No. 1657
The cgi looks pretty sharp, did they use mo-cap or was it animated normally?
Anonymous Sat 21/10/2023 9:06:56 PM 1 year ago No. 1658
Given it's 2010 a mocap suit would have probably run them thousands of dollars so it is safe to say that the majority of them were all animated normally. Might seem like a month's work but that's just how dedicated a lot of them were back then.
Anonymous Sun 22/10/2023 12:44:40 AM 1 year ago No. 1661
(4.92 MB 320x240 00:02:30)
Thumbnail [Play] A hand drawn MAD featuring Hey Pachuco X IM@S.
I've always wanted to make an anime, so I created this using NicoNico Movie Maker. Unfortunately, it was too large to upload. However, I managed to extract it from NMM somehow, so I'm uploading it now, albeit with some embarrassment.
I also cut out the broken bit he talks about at the end but if you are wondering what NMM (Nico Movie Maker) is basically this used to be a free video software which allowed you to directly upload a video to Nico Nico Douga. In terms of video editing capabilities it allowed you to do stuff similar to Flip Note Studio which is how this video came to be. The most interesting part about this is that it did not upload videos to Nico Nico Douga in a video file format instead it uploaded the videos using the SWF (flash) format and a video would indicate it was created using NMM when the starting letters were not sm but nm. Of course then in 2018 Nico Nico Douga converted all SWF files on their website to the mp4 file format instead.ニコニコムービーメーカー
A software developed by Internet Co., Ltd. and distributed for free.
You can easily create kamishibai-style videos by combining still images and audio. The created videos can be directly uploaded to NicoNico Douga from the software.
Also, due to the characteristics of SWF files, for kamishibai-style videos, the file size is generally smaller compared to uploading with FLV or MP4, making it popular for music videos.
At the NicoNico Taikai 2008 Winter event on December 4, 2008, a video-compatible version, "NicoNico Movie Maker (Video)," was announced (paid software). It seems possible to create NicoWari videos and @BGM videos with it.
Equipped with 2 video tracks and 256 audio tracks.
While offering a wide range of video and audio effects, the basic operations like editing and processing can be intuitively done with a single editor due to its simple design.
Smoothly search for video, images, and audio materials, and create your works through cut and try editing and processing.
Customization of video and audio effects is possible, allowing for personalized enhancements.

Stuff getting lost in the internet Anonymous Mon 12/06/2023 11:53:35 AM 1 year ago No. 1007
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I was trying to download a mod for a game and the link sent me to an ad shortener that doesn't work anymore, making it a dead end, but I did end up finding the mod somewhere else. This, coupled with zippyshare's death some months ago made me think about how much stuff has been lost carelessly over the years due to situations like these. I'm not referring to big important stuff like bigger games or culturally relevant movies or books as much as small things like simple mods or videos you enjoyed some years ago and now want to check out once more and it turns out they'll never be seen again because the small number of people who knew about it took it for granted and never backed them up. Have you been a victim of situations like these? Last time I can think of was when I was looking for some old YTPs I used to watch and a lot of the videos were taken down by copyright shit and since the channel was dead and no one reuploaded his stuff, it's now missing.
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Anonymous Mon 28/08/2023 12:54:52 AM 1 year ago No. 1394
Old forums are some of the places that lost most of their content I think. Usenet is mostly archived and even searchable, but when it comes to some of the 2000s forums you can only hope for snapshots from the wayback machine, but unfortunately they're often very incomplete. The most disappointed I've been about content getting wiped from the face of the earth is probably Ryan Armand's work. He is a webcomic artist that I discovered on 22chan. He had a website, but at some point he just disappeared; and while his most popular works (like Minus and "The Mildly Inconvenient Journey of Pelen Purul") are luckily fully archived, some of his other comics are almost completely lost. Socks for example is a comic about the ghost of a girl. The author wasn't very satisfied with it and wanted to redraw it, but from the few pages that remain it seemed interesting regardless. Here's what little is left:
Anonymous Mon 04/09/2023 6:54:38 AM 1 year ago No. 1429
I am surfing youtube using this format
before:year search term goes here
So far its fucking great lol.
My theme song...
Oldest rozen maiden vid on youtube.
otacon must have been wild
no comment
EVERYTIME WE TOUCH I GET THIS FEELAN so many shit edits out there lol
Eric is so fucking talented
Trailer for the new metal gear movie just leaked online
The amount of people doing this is staggering.
And now, 2chan shit i found
Anonymous Wed 27/09/2023 4:33:26 AM 1 year ago No. 1542
There was a dead space ARG which was a prelude to dead space. I only played it once and it isnt availibe via internet archive so i doubt it'll be recovered or playable at all.
Anonymous Wed 27/09/2023 5:52:20 AM 1 year ago No. 1543
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> Have you been a victim of situations like these?
yeah. sometimes i lose it.

there is so much that *should've* been saved thru any means possible, but just weren't. pic unrelated.

Anonymous Tue 09/05/2023 7:22:16 AM 1 year ago No. 893
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Do you care about what kind of keyboard you use, or are you fine with the rubber dome you're using? Personally I really like my current mechanical hotswap keyboard fitted with some box jades. They're a very nice switch
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Anonymous Thu 11/05/2023 4:09:12 AM 1 year ago No. 896
i can't even see how bright RGBs could even work with gaming, wouldn't that be distracting?
Anonymous Thu 11/05/2023 5:16:18 AM 1 year ago No. 897
Not at all. It's hardly in my peripherals. I never notice it anymore, even with keyboard gaming. Now, a full RGB setup with wall lights and the computer on your desk? That might be a little distracting, but that's not what I have thank Christ
Anonymous Thu 11/05/2023 4:08:45 PM 1 year ago No. 899
How much did yours cost? I've been seeing some 100% mechanical ones but they're going for 50 euros or something like that.
Can't you just set them to an static color? Either way, the lights are pretty nice when it's nighttime or early in the morning and you can clearly see the keyboard thanks to them so you can keep the monitor light low.
Anonymous Thu 11/05/2023 6:40:38 PM 1 year ago No. 902
Do you think Cats like the light?
Anonymous Wed 20/09/2023 5:02:18 PM 1 year ago No. 1513
The keyboard on my laptop is falling apart, it honestly makes me regret not having a seperate keyboard and a monitor. if the keys fell off, it would be easier to put on again or replace.

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