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Nico Nico Medley Series [Nostalgic] ニコニコメドレーシリーズ Anonymous Fri 12/05/2023 8:09:17 PM 1 year ago No. 916
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There's barely if not any English discussion about Nico Nico Douga left on the internet so I thought I'd make this thread to let people share any interesting medleys found on the Nico Nico Medley Series tagニコニコメドレーシリーズ
Discuss basically anything about the medleys you're going to share whether it's a just a single part that evicts emotions or memories inside of you or any additional information that the average person wouldn't know about the medley and its author.
No overseas medleys, and make sure to check if there's maybe an entry for the medley at before posting since that provides quite a lot information.

If you used to frequently browse the internet back then it would be hard to not have heard at least one of these three nico nico douga medleys which are also called The Big Three:

Kumikyoku (Super Suite): [Play]
Ryuuseigun (Meteor Shower): [Play]
Nanairo (Rainbow/7 Colors of): [Play]
All of them using popular songs at the time on Nico Nico Douga they were all produced by Shimo and are usually referred to as the medleys that defined the early days of Nico Nico Douga with Kumikyoku being the 2nd offical entry in the tag that created thousands upon thousands of medleys inspired by it and "I tried to sing" videos and more.

You can refer to these articles for more information about the medleys which also include a song list.
Kumikyoku (Super Suite):組曲『ニコニコ動画』 (English) (English)
Ryuuseigun (Meteor Shower):ニコニコ動画流星群 (English)
Nanairo (Rainbow/7 Colors of):七色のニコニコ動画 (English)

Shimo produced quite a lot of medleys and I think my favorite of his must the Danjiri Matsuri 2009 medley that he produced: [Play]
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Anonymous Sun 14/05/2023 12:15:15 PM 1 year ago No. 929
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Nanairo (Rainbow/7 Colors of): 7th Anniversary (Chorus Version) [Play]
Let's talk a bit about the 合唱シリーズ (Chorus Series) tag because it might confuse people as to who the people are singing and why the avatar and signature is there as I previously used to think that it might have been the official VAs of the characters but that's completely wrong.

The Chorus Series tag applies to videos where a author takes previously sung solo videos by various authors and combines them together as seen in the medley above to create a pseudo-chorus effect by synchronizing the voices of different performers. Some works may include performance videos (visually shown singing or w/instruments, etc.) or the original singer or VOCALOID mixed in.
It's also not to be confused with the 合唱 (Chorus) tag as it refers to videos where the audio data is recorded and uploaded by the singers themselves specifically for the purpose of creating that particular video where as mentioned Chorus series takes already previously sung videos and combines them together.

From my personal experience a lot of the videos with the Chorus Series tag are hit or miss as I have found many of them to sound absolutely terrible when combining the various awful microphone frequencies together.

The Avatar System includes assigning a character to specific singers. The avatar images used are often based on the singer's handle name (HN), characteristics of their singing or videos, or the preferences and imagination of the Chorus Series creator.
This method gained popularity around the summer of 2008 and is sometimes referred to as the "裏ンティス" (UraNtis) method." The avatar images are unified with characters directly related to the music, particularly VOCALOID. In such cases, different artists differentiate the avatars instead of differentiating the characters themselves.
This method often involves a more selective choice of singers, switching singers not only by phrases but even by individual notes.

If you are wondering about the UraNtis term:裏ンティスの人
There is also a hand drawn avatar method which refers to a method where the creator manually draws avatars to represent the singers involved in the video. These avatars are based on either the fixed character or icon associated with the borrowed singer or the artistic interpretation of the creator themselves.合唱シリーズ合唱
Anonymous Sun 14/05/2023 8:58:31 PM 1 year ago No. 933
組曲「らき☆すた動画」(Suite "Lucky Star Douga") MAD Completed Version [Play]
This is by far one of the best medleys that I managed to watch and listen to. While I wasn't initially a big fan of Lucky Star, my perspective changed after discovering the MAD videos on Nico Nico Douga using the Lucky Star source material in very creative ways. This specific medley is a suite that includes various songs from Lucky Star including the Character Songs series:

It's worth noting that this medley is an official release and is actually included in the らき☆すたRe-Mix002~『ラキスタノキワミ、アッー』【してやんよ】~ CD as 06 - Kumikyoku Lucky Star Douga. The uploader on NND added the fantastic PV portrayal of all the characters in this particular case.

The arrangement is done by Akira Kagami, who was responsible for the music in the anime. The title and composition of the suite are clearly inspired by the Nico Nico Douga Medley Series. However, there is no official video included with the suite (although unofficial videos created by fans later surfaced).
As a side note, the record label Lantis, which released this CD, later released a CD titled "ランティス組曲" (Lantis Kumikyoku). In response to this suite, the creator of the "組曲『ニコニコ動画』" (Kumikyoku "Nico Nico Douga"), Shimo, created a video called "ニコニコ動画流星群" (Nico Nico Douga Ryuuseigun (Meteor Shower)) featuring the song組曲「らき☆すた動画」 (English)
Anonymous Wed 17/05/2023 8:34:29 PM 1 year ago No. 941
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Kumikyoku (Super Suite): Higurashi no Naku Koro ni ver. Complete Version [Play] [Play]
This medley originally was uploaded to Nico Nico Douga several times with each upload the authors trying to improve the quality until the "I tried to sing" version came along. There's not much information about this specific medley with no special tags that have their own wiki article so I won't have to say much this time around.
The Youtube upload also has 2 million views compared to the Nico Nico Douga version with 160,000 views.
A long time ago as well there was an English-subtitled version of the medley was uploaded on YouTube. Although it was subsequently deleted, it was later reuploaded which is the file I will be including this time around.
This medley never fails to bring a smile to my face. The voices in the medley closely resemble those of the original voice actors, and the hilariously amusing lyrics effectively encapsulate the essence of the show. It becomes really hard for me to click off of it once the video starts playing.

While I couldn't locate an English article this time, I will provide a response to another comment that contains the original Japanese lyrics from the medley:
Anonymous Wed 29/05/2024 10:51:28 AM 10 months ago No. 2876
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I was browsing foreign language medley videos on Nico Nico Douga until suddenly this video sung by Ottergang appeared...
I was out of breath laughing so much that I almost passed out on the floor, because it's like a fever dream after a night's browsing of /pol/.
Anonymous Wed 29/05/2024 1:31:39 PM 10 months ago No. 2877
oy vey

NINIRRETA CAT Wed 22/02/2023 5:32:22 PM 2 years ago No. 538
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itsu demo ryouyorishitsu kimi ni Take a OC me - いつでも量より質 君に Take a OC me - Quality is always better than quantity. Here take a OC me.
wasurerarenai kara boku no daijina memori - 忘れられないから 僕の大事なメモリー - I will never forget this, my precious memory.
ni juu ni wa shushoku ni narenai - 二十二は主食になれない - Twenty two is only good for a day.
naraba uwagakishichaeba boku no omoidoori - ならば上書きしちゃえば 僕の思い通り - Kick reason to the curb and follow me

nannara ba de mi teru yo bakkuappu ni kagirazu - なんならばで見てるよ バックアップに限らず- If you want I can always be there for you. Not just as some kind of backup.
hidarikara migi e to chiyannerugaatchikotchidotchi - 左から右へと ちゃんねるがあっちこっちどっち - Up ahead is a crossroad, which channel will you go?
kimi wa koko ni iru no basudei o wasureteta - 君はここにいるの? 誕生日を忘れてた? - Are you still here? Did you forget that my birthday was coming up?
iikagen kusosure kara aidea sureddo o mienai - いい加減クソスレから アイデアスレッドを見えない - Enough with the shitposting. I can't see threads that are just ideas.

anime gemu geta gan aniki ni tsura reta - アニメ ゲーム げたがんぐ 兄貴に釣られた - Anime, games, gatorgang, and being caught by Aniki.
taisetsuna sureddo ga aru nonara sore o iji shite - 大切なスレッドがあるのなら、それを維持して - If a thread is important to you then maintain it.
soredemo shinjite shiawase ni naru you ni reigi tadashiku - それでも信じて幸せになるように礼儀正しく - Believe that good things will come to those who lurk.
mazuwa juudaina aisatsu toko kara - まずは重大な挨拶とこから - For starters, how about this big serious greeting...
Are you CAT★STAR?

itsu demo ryouyorishitsu kimi ni Take a OC me - いつでも量より質 君に Take a OC me - Quality is always better than quantity. Here take a OC me.
wasurerarenai kara boku no daijina memori - 忘れられないから 僕の大事なメモリー - I will never forget this, my precious memory.
ni juu ni wa shushoku ni narenai - 二十二は主食になれない - Twenty two is only good for a day.
naraba uwagakishichaeba boku no omoidoori - ならば上書きしちゃえば 僕の思い通り - Kick reason to the curb and follow me

yume kara geto geto samenaide samenaide - 夢からげとげと覚めないで覚めないで - I can hear the alarm "gator gator" blasting through my dream.
sure sakusei nigenaide mada asa wa - スレ作成逃げないでまだ朝は - Let me continue making my thread, even if it's almost morning.
tappuri arukara ato 20-bu iya ichijikan mata sete - たっぷりあるからあと20分いや一時間待たせて - There's plenty of time, just 20, no, one more hour will do

Do whatever you feel like doing with this:
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Anonymous Wed 12/07/2023 11:56:27 AM 1 year ago No. 1134
Cute twink :3
Anonymous Tue 18/07/2023 6:36:30 AM 1 year ago No. 1162
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Anonymous Mon 24/07/2023 4:01:12 AM 1 year ago No. 1177
Thank goodness, she found the hidden watermelon before it could subvert our civilization.
Anonymous Tue 25/07/2023 5:13:35 AM 1 year ago No. 1178
How would that be done?
Please tie the noose around your neck to the nearest bridge and jump off.
dubs speak the truth
You know for a second there i didn't notice the body and i thought she was literally tearing a melon in half.
Anonymous Sat 18/05/2024 2:12:21 PM 10 months ago No. 2821
It's a bit of a shame we didn't get anything like this on this year's birthday. Then again I think to see any type of OC on any altchan is pretty fucking huge as it is

Old Time Radio Anonymous Wed 22/02/2023 11:25:21 PM 2 years ago No. 544
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Before TV, there was radio. Quite a lost art and what makes things great is that it's all FREE without copyright so you can legally share and download them. Audio quality varies since only a few master tapes were saved, while the rest were either thrown out or re-used during war times so copies were preserved second and third-hand. (Certain universities kept high qualities for educational reasons!) Some people digitally re-master and restored the audio and some were found in great condition. Some radio shows are VERY fucking good, with better writing than most tv shows! but it doesn't mean you'll won't stumble onto filler garbage.
Gonna link to a YouTube channel that has some radio plays with decent audio quality. (If you gentlemen know of others don't be afraid to share)
Suspense & ESCAPE [remastered] - YouTube
Charlie Stuckey - Outta my MIND! - YouTube
Here is a great source for radio plays on the internet. (As i said before, don't be afraid to share if you know of other sources!)
Old Time Radio : Free Audio : Free Download, Borrow and Streaming : Internet Archive
I'll throw out some good episodes for newfags who are curious, As for the people who have enjoyed old-time radio, Link to the fun stuff and discuss what you enjoy!
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Anonymous Tue 26/09/2023 4:31:04 PM 1 year ago No. 1539 [Play]
I was trying to find a spooky radio drama i listened to as a kid and i couldn't find it, but i found this which has a similar vibe. To me the horror of what was really going on which was revealed at the last second was great. I mean, they did hint at it but i was always kept guessing if the atronauts really did meet all their loved ones or not. The range of voice acting was nice too.
Anonymous Wed 18/10/2023 4:21:10 AM 1 year ago No. 1639 [Play]
Raised the hairs on the back of my neck. I think it's a good listen for halloween.
Anonymous Sat 21/10/2023 5:19:46 AM 1 year ago No. 1652
It was hilarous to know that the author of the book voiced the AI, And that in real life the author is basically a dick to everyone, Much like the AI in the story. I found the ending to be silly, Besides that, The story was extremely disturbing.
The 5 people left basically became degenerates and fucked, and mentally regressed to children in a way. The AI put them through hell both psychological and real. If AM really wanted a body why didn't he make himself one? Perhaps this wasn't thought of since the original story was written in the 60's. Another thing is why did he just stick to 5 people? why not either make, or breed more?
Anonymous Thu 25/04/2024 2:50:44 PM 11 months ago No. 2705 [Play]
i was listening to "the whistler" and to be honest the few episodes i heard where shit.
i decided to check out x minus one and the selection was much better. universe is a damn good episode.
also, moon be still as bright, mars is heaven and green hills of earth.
Anonymous Thu 25/04/2024 2:52:54 PM 11 months ago No. 2706
no contact felt sub par and the man in the moon was good at first but i dunno it feels like maybe it could have been better.

22 chan discuss thread Wed 10/04/2024 10:37:48 PM 11 months ago No. 2626
Bros what killed 4chan?
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Anonymous Fri 19/04/2024 2:55:23 AM 11 months ago No. 2676
Yeah, people who wants 4chan to change while being influenced completely by 4chan aka OP. OP is a faggot.
Anonymous Mon 22/04/2024 4:46:41 AM 11 months ago No. 2685
i only got into 4chan a couple years ago (i liked IBs before becoming familiar with 4chan). i'm not sure how to describe it but my likening towards 4chan dissipated when it started to feel more like i was surrounded by assholes rather than people pretending to be assholes. does that make sense to anyone? im slowly starting to use it less.
i mean, people talk about reddit and other social media even after they stop using it. it's more like a "what went wrong" kind of thing.
Anonymous Mon 22/04/2024 11:44:17 AM 11 months ago No. 2687
>it started to feel more like i was surrounded by assholes rather than people pretending to be assholes
I started to feel the same way, but I think it was more of a personal development than a change with 4chan. Realized just how little difference there is, pragmatically speaking, between acting like an asshole and being an asshole. Particularly when things get simplified into so much text. Besides, when's the last time you heard of a good person pretending to be an asshole for a laugh? However it douches itself for the public, an asshole's gotta shit somewhere.
Here's how I look back on 4chan. It's like when you're a child and there's this older kid that always hangs out with your bunch. He talks like a pervert and plays rough, but he's cool because he's older. Then one day you're grown and you happen to remember him, and realize that he wasn't actually all that cool. Just another kid with his own problems, nursing his ego by hanging around a smaller pond. Hindsight shifts perspective. Suddenly all the times he put you in a headlock or called you stupid don't make him look any cooler.
Anonymous Mon 22/04/2024 5:10:08 PM 11 months ago No. 2689
yeah, i admit a lot of the reason i gravitated towards 4chan in the first place is cause it was "edgy." it didn't really occur to me that edginess isn't just this thing that exists in a vacuum. it wasn't until i started seeing actual harmful irl behavior from users that i realized, "oh. it's not just people saying dumb things on the internet." and i realized i honestly contributed to that type of behavior by saying some really messed up and inflammatory stuff. sometimes because i thought it was fun, other times because i wanted to let off steam by being an asshole.

just saying the messed up things i did probably pushed other people to actually *act* like assholes, even if it's just text.
Anonymous Wed 24/04/2024 5:35:07 AM 11 months ago No. 2695
don't be a fedora

/fit/ CAT Mon 26/06/2023 11:03:34 PM 1 year ago No. 1075
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This is the place to discuss all aspects of enhancing our physical and mental well-being. Let's explore topics such as exercises, daily routines, diet and nutrition, while also emphasizing the importance of motivation, discipline, and dedication in achieving a healthier lifestyle.
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Anonymous Sun 30/07/2023 5:07:44 AM 1 year ago No. 1193
Instead of drinking Gatorade, consider drinking flavorless Pedialyte. another alternative is pickles and pickle juice, which also helps with heatstroke and cramping muscles. Gatorade is kinda gay because the sugar tends to slow you down. Like the aftereffects of drinking coffee where you crash after the caffeine high.
Anonymous Tue 29/08/2023 2:39:16 PM 1 year ago No. 1402
I gained some weight, and to be honest it won't be too hard to lose weight because it will only take time to count calories. Previously, I would have been very demoralized by the prospect of losing weight.
Anonymous Thu 31/08/2023 2:05:30 AM 1 year ago No. 1411
I played some tennis and I lost every match. It was fun still, mainly because I am rusty at the sport. I suppose I'll get better with more playing.
Anonymous Sun 14/04/2024 7:30:34 PM 11 months ago No. 2653
There was this thing i bought at a yard sale called the "perfect pull-up bar" and i have to say it works pretty damn good. It goes in between a doorframe and you can do several diffrent workouts but pullups are the primary reason to use it. It took a few weeks but i started feeling results. It was nice to have the ability to climb stuff and do more yardwork without burnint out faster.
Anonymous Mon 15/04/2024 3:11:47 AM 11 months ago No. 2657
I have a pull-up bar somewhere in my room but I've failed to set up the bar properly. It has escaped me why I never went through with finishing it but I never did.

Wtf Happened Sun 10/03/2024 3:50:40 PM 1 year ago No. 2490
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WTF Happened? Why is the 4chan-esque layout gone??? WHY IS THE LOGO GONE??? WHAT HAPPENED??
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Anonymous Sun 10/03/2024 3:59:53 PM 1 year ago No. 2491
22Chan died, and was revived with the same rules and userbase.
Anonymous Mon 11/03/2024 12:33:26 AM 1 year ago No. 2498
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Twoot abandoned us.
We were left in the bunker for more than a year.
The radiation faded and we were finally able to leave our bunker and create a new home. A new frontier, made entirely by us and for us.
It's been pretty darn cool.
Anonymous Mon 11/03/2024 3:51:24 AM 1 year ago No. 2499
I am shock, and at the same time I find it cool old people are finding us.
Anonymous Mon 11/03/2024 4:35:10 AM 1 year ago No. 2501
How long have you been gone? Why haven't you checked how the site was doing till now?

Anonymous Sun 11/02/2024 12:34:24 PM 1 year ago No. 2283
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Hey anybody got any tips or way on browsing 4chan safely and privately? Shit gets crazy in there sometimes.
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Anonymous Sun 11/02/2024 7:58:21 PM 1 year ago No. 2288
sage Sun 11/02/2024 8:02:58 PM 1 year ago No. 2289
I wouldn't know
Anonymous Mon 12/02/2024 11:52:35 AM 1 year ago No. 2291
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What a weird thread
Anonymous Tue 13/02/2024 3:04:32 AM 1 year ago No. 2293
Visit and have fun. Other than just lurk if you really want to go on 4chan.
Anonymous Thu 15/02/2024 4:55:31 AM 1 year ago No. 2298
Download a VPN, If your paranoid, make your own. Disable images from being viewed. (infact just disable everything as so long as it doesnt mess with your browsing experience.) download ublock origin and maybe umatrix if your browser allowes extentions.
only browse non retarded boards if you care (not /b/ or any of the nsfw boards)

A Polaroid Video of Folding Space Anonymous Thu 01/02/2024 10:39:57 PM 1 year ago No. 2208
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This thread is for the comic I've begun working on, "A Polaroid Video of Folding Space". All posts about the comic should be in this thread. All updates will also be in this thread.
It's an anonymous comic I'm working on for free, and the cats here seem to be excited for it, so I will be uploading all 11 pages ITT.
>What is this about?
Something happened to Percinnius. An ancient ghost with a visage of diamonds and wrapped in reflective shadows was born into the world, doomed to forever be hunted by the praeternatural manifestation of opposition itself and eternally shunned by the worlds he is a part of. His goal; to reveal the secrets of life and death, so that he may return to the land of the living and experience true warmth once again.
>Thread theme: [Play]
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Anonymous Fri 02/02/2024 6:27:37 AM 1 year ago No. 2218
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Percinnius is a pretty cool guy eh denies demiurges and doesn't afraid of anything
Anonymous Fri 02/02/2024 6:51:00 AM 1 year ago No. 2220
Wicked sick. I'm glad somebody out there likes this so much. Enough to put together some cool fanart like this.
Thanks, anon. It means a lot
Anonymous Sat 03/02/2024 4:00:18 AM 1 year ago No. 2224
Its a great story so far and the art is incredible, looking forward to the series.
Anonymous Sun 04/02/2024 8:36:44 PM 1 year ago No. 2236
i wonder how percinnius is going to avoid the adversary, he seems like an unstoppable foe.
Anonymous Mon 05/02/2024 11:08:18 PM 1 year ago No. 2246
I bet through the power of friendship.

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