Let's share some software that might be useful or interesting in general. Here's a download for Photoshop CS6
Let's share some software that might be useful or interesting in general. Here's a download for Photoshop CS6
https://anonfiles.com/sbqfJeZ3yb/Photoshop_Cs6_zip11 replies omitted. Click here to view. (Bump Limit: 250)
Ha! I'll do you one better:
All of Adobe's CS6 products. (PW: /F/LAGSHIP)
Damn this is huge. Fukken saved and thanks
link broken
gif me free sony vegas fgt
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Y4O12uomTI [Play] great alternative to crap like Dolby Atmos to simulate immersive surround sound
Youtube nowadays is pretty much a hellhole in its own right, but that doesn't mean there aren't any hidden gems! Post and discuss interesting or obscure youtube videos you find. + Don't be afraid to share content from Bitchute, Odysee, or even rumble if you find anything. Please provide context for the videos you are linking to other anons will want to watch the videos. Not providing context makes a bad thread. I'll start
The video says it all. The cat is chirping while looking outside.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QSj0aofESNE [Play]34 replies (and 1 file replies) omitted. Click here to view. (Bump Limit: 250)
https://youtube.com/watch?v=tL-5wcuRRJY [Play]
Its a retarded youtube channel and i love it, especially the parts with raven ownership and when he directly talks shit about his raven and the fucker just looks into the camera like "yeah, so what?"
https://youtu.be/hVmelQMLkwY [Play]
It's really fascinating hearing audio recording from a forgotten war, the ironically phrased, "war to end all wars".
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5poBoAZ1hus [Play]
A short movie where an old guy interacts with CGI characters. I've found it quite funny and amusing, it's firmly in the "so bad it's good" territory and I'd say it's pretty soulful
https://youtube.com/watch?v=dTn9uRkkNeQ [Play]
I can't stop laughing it's so fucking bad, the cgi, the fucking robot voice,
it's art.
Bugs, insects, arachnids, creepy, crawly, and everything in between7 replies (and 5 file replies) omitted. Click here to view. (Bump Limit: 250)
They have pet frogs that they let chill in their home, also he doesn't seem so happy that his home was disturbed.
What song do you think he is dancing to?
Albino penis envy magic mushrooms!
An easy-to-grow magic mushroom strain which is grown using liquid culture and a grow bag, and this liquid culture can be bought and ordered legally online… liquid culture is a collection of mycelium inside a syringe! (Not to be confused with spore syringes, which are much harder to grow from)
All one has to do is search for a "mushroom grow bag" online which has an obvious magic mushroom theme (some good indicators would be it being rainbow colored, stuff like "magic grow bag") , buy an albino penis envy liquid culture from another company, and then follow the grow bag company's instructions for how to grow mushrooms from a liquid culture!
The compound in magic mushrooms, psilocybin (sigh-low-sigh-bin), desynchronizes brain signals, this means parts of the brain that normally don't talk to each other start to talk to each other under the influence of psilocybin (this is what causes the hallucinations), meaning it can act as a truth serum of sorts, so if one is the kind of person who thrives in negative thought patterns and keeping secrets, these compounds may not be for them.
One should not take magic mushrooms if one is on antidepressants, amphetamines, opioids, or St. John's Wort as it can lead to serotonin syndrome.
If one is going to ingest a magic mushroom, one should have around 0.1 to 0.5 grams dried. These things are stronger than one would would think.
Alternatively, one can fly to Colorado where magic mushrooms are legal and book a $100 dollar magic mushroom nature escape and trip with other people and under professional supervision.
>meaning it can act as a truth serum of sorts
that's more of a thing for much higher/repeated doses, but yes mushrooms (or rather, all psychedelics, since they act on the same receptors) do make people more open-minded and cofessy
The main difference between most psychdelics is how long they last. Shrooms last around 4 hours, LSD lasts around 12 hours, and DMT around 40 minutes, speaking of DMT, there are sites on how to extract it from root bark and how to put it in a vape, this vape is called the e-mesh, built specifically with DMT in mind.
Have you any experiences of some type while on those substances?
Yes, I have tried low doses of shrooms, and when I closed my eyes I saw visions similar to the image OP attached.
I know a few people who took mega doses and they started freaking out and spilling out a bunch of random info.
I haven't tried LSD or DMT but I imagine DMT would be more similar to shrooms since it is chemically similar to the active chemical in magic mushrooms which is psilocybin, which is structured as 4-PO-DMT.
I would imagine it would be similar to shrooms but last much shorter.
So, You got sick or injured, And you can't afford a doctor (and expensive medicine) Or you don't like all the unhealthy shit they put in the drugs that are supposed to help you feel better and want a better alternative. This thread is for you. Feel free to share what you know and discuss if it works or not.19 replies (and 1 file replies) omitted. Click here to view. (Bump Limit: 250)
When foraging plants and fungus, take care not to do it where people walk their dogs often. Dogs like to piss on all the good stuff. Also watch out for toxic pesticides or heavy road traffic that can put heavy metals in the soil.
I must report that for me, tea tree oil did not work. I applied it with a q-tip to my Athlete’s foot. FOR SCIENCE. It was pure oil, stored in a closet and about a year old, I dont think it lost its purity. I also dont know if i was supposed to mix it with water or coconut oil to use as a buffer and if that would have made it more effective.
If it's just a cold you have, safety pinning a hand towel to the front of a t-shirt and wearing under something else, so the chest is warm but the torso doesn't overheat, always sped up getting over it by a few days. For me at least.
When i got sick with some type of illness recently, i bought some sinus rinse and did it daily and i think it actually helped me recover faster.
It was just a saline solution with no additives.
What i think is when you blow your nose out with colored mucus, that's a bacterial infection so by clearing that out regularly that's less of a chance of staying sick instead of leaving that bacteria just sitting there.
This thread is for the anons who feel a deeper connection to the abyss. For those who understand everything and trust nothing. Basically, this is an /x/ thread where you can discuss anything you can think of from weird stuff to the paranormal. It doesn't really matter, from ghosts to aliens. Maybe you read a weird book or heard a strange rumour. Internet cults? check. Family horror stories? Weird memories? Anything you can think of applies here.
Conspiracies honestly need to be relabeled to something like "alternative information" since the glowies subverted its meaning and made it a bad thing. nevertheless, they apply too. (political or otherwise.) Do not be afraid to splinter off and make related threads about the similar subject matter or anything discussed herein. No larping or shilling your ARGs
No debunkers plz86 replies (and 7 file replies) omitted. Click here to view. (Bump Limit: 250)
I'm confused about the hermetic texts,
To be specific, i'm listening to Hermetica, translated by Brian copenhaver
https://youtube.com/watch?v=5HCXALhOs9Y [Play]
I can kind of hear greek influences but for what it's worth it's kind of your standard religious philosophy, Not like """occult""" stuff like i was expecting. I remember hearing about like transmuting lead to gold and like shakey science and making a homunculus or something. I'm not saying hermetica is bad but it doesn't seem as edgy as people was making it out to be lol, like this is the type of religious stuff i've heard people talk about irl. Also it kind of reminds me of some of the gnostic texts i've read so far.
To continue onwards, was i guess i was thinking of wicca or something like burning sage and writing runes on chalk but in reality it was a coded philosophy. From my understanding, the original people who started the christian church was a bunch of niggers who cut out the gospels that was politically inconvenient, that wouldn't aid in the formation of the church. These gospels in question wanted the reader to "look inward" and would lead to individuation. Likd ever wonder what was meant by "the kingdom of god is within you"?
The reader of the hermetic texts would already have a scientific mind, so he would be able to grasp the allegory like of vinegar, and refining gold. Also they would already know of neoplatonism and platonic thoughts like of the fire and water. By studying, and decoding along with fasting and meditation eventually you'd empty your mind of all the usual nonense clouding your thoughts and activate your imagination to a point where you can bridge your subconcious mind to the concious.
Here's an example, usually when you draw you think "does this look right" or even "i am drawing (insert object here)" This might be annnoying or emotionally exausting, you might feel like "i can't do anything right" because your logical brain is taking over, making you overthink.
By uconciously drawing you not only end up drawing what you wanted, but you'll also realise that "time flew by" real fast with little effort put in, with maximum results. It's like when boxers or basketball players enter "the zone" or when your driving and you enter "autopilot".
Hermetics also apply to religion, insofar you'll reach a state of gnosis and really understand god and see god in everything, and to be able to "be on the same level" with christ not become a god as some people might assume. Like actually to be able to apply his teachings to your every day life and live a fulfilling one. Like you'll feel no personal attachment to stuff so like if your house burns down you'll probably laugh and move on.
Again, this was from my personal research and understanding and i'm also agnostic. It was fun reading this stuff and i picked up a copy of psychology and alchemy by jung and it kinda confirmed my suspicions, especially with symbols like oroboros.
I'm not too correct either because it's actually older then christianity and originated in egypt, bit christians adapted it and re-used it for their own reasons. Still, thought it was like burning sage and throwing eye of newts in a cauldron but it's actually a philosophy.
Anyhow i saw this post on 4chan and i fucking love it because it's actually correct and it sums up the stuff i was researching perfectly,
Nothing about Kabbalah was ever originally Jewish, or Semitic, except for the retrofitted idea of universal homogenization via the restoration of Adam Kadmon.
The Jews initially plagiarized Kabbalah from Plotinus. Modern Kabbalah itself is a hodgepodge of Pythagoreanism, Neoplatonism, Tantric practices, Yggdrasil Repräsentation, and a Sumerian path-working system called the Ladders of Light.
The ideas of a messiah and duality came from Zoroastrianism.
The concept of hell that was taken from Plato's Republic (The Myth of Er).
The craftsman, known as demiurge in Greek, is a character created by Plato in Timaeus to say that the Universe sparked a creative thought that began to take shape.
Qliphoth is a more recent adaptation of Kabbalah to include a Jewish version of the Puranic concept of Patala, "lower heavens".
The ancient Greek word for 'shell' is 'kelipot'.
The divine sparks in Kabbalah and kelipot mythology were taken from Manichaeism.
The various sephirots are from the Greek Hieros Gamos, or Hierogamy, (divine marriage/sex).
The sefirot (sephiroth), or Sephirotic (tree of life) system, was taken from Porphyry's tree of being.
Even their precious Adam Kadmon is a retcon of Atlas.
The Jewish version of Antichrist (Armilus) is based on Romulus.
They see development and growth as a form of entropy, and so they embrace regression, degeneracy and death as a return to the former heaven.
They force their eschatology through making problems and then proposing themselves as the solution, basically false-flagging Revelations for their Messianic establishment.
Kabbalah is an amalgamation of numerous frankensteined spiritual concepts twisted into the favour of Jews. Jews use it to take perfectly separate things and turn them into one grotesque abomination. Solve et coagula, return to source, Tower of Babel, etc; which is why none of it makes sense just as it results in the negrified, asiatic dystopia plaguing the Earth today.
The gnostic texts was also influenced by neoplatonism, originating concepts and terms like gnosis, the sacred fire.
From what i understand because of the catholic (originates from the greek adjective "katholikos," which means "universal.") split because of bibles being canonised, they rejected fuckin plato and chose Aristotle instead, which explains a fuck ton and why a good chunk of the gospels got rejected (their logic being that four gosples are needed only canon because the four pillars of the earth (pagan concept lmao) and that 4 is holy like 4 saints of jesus) even though via carbon dating it would have fit in fine.
I feel like if i was a christian, catholic or a jew right now i would have had a fucking stroke but i'm personally enjoying this stuff. currently i'm reading Mysterium Coniunctionis by jung and i was binge reading a fuck ton of historical texts and listening to a few audiobooks so, yeah. God i haven't finished gersham sholems book on sabbati zevi even though the damn thing is literally 900 pages...
Also food for thought but jung mentioned that egyptian myths had an influence on christianity which threw me for a loop because i have no fucking clue what he means by this, could be i forgot something that was mentioned 400 pages ago but i think it probably was the story of ra or perhaps the story of horus, which gave the catholic church the act of communion, in which the blood of orisis was drank (wine) and his flesh was eaten (a little wafer of bread) as an act of thanksgiving and to become one with him. i think the story mirrored that of christ or fucking moses but who knows i just remember the fun fact about communion and not the original horus orisis story too much.
Hnosticism is fun as fuck, creative usage of parts of the bible that confused most people like "i am a jealous god" and the like to rationalise and explain inconsistencies, really cool concepts like Yaldabaoth to explain how the jewish god that they (jews took shit from other cultures) kinda stole and later turned monotheistic, why he was kind of a bitch and why humanity suffers, i think the bit that really interested me is the archons attempted rape of eve, like maybe its me but i thought it was super fucking spooky. like eve cloned herself in the nick of time and the archons gangraped her soulless corpse, spooky. (i think grant morrison used the archons in his invisibles comic, neat if true, i don't remember.)
This thread is exclusively for discussing the Wrestling Series (レスリングシリーズ). I want to emphasize that the focus will be strictly on the Japanese instance, and any discussion of its overseas counterparts is absolutely prohibited. This includes posting videos or content created by overseas creators. Also, please keep the celebrity and character completely separate from each other.
Beginning in June 2007, users on 2channel's YouTube board began to suspect that the MyList rankings on Nico Nico Douga were being manipulated. This led to the creation of an official term called 工作 (Manipulation) after a July 1st thread pointed out the artificial inflation of views, comments, and MyLists. By July 27, 2007, a thread titled ニコニコマイリストのランキング工作動画について (Regarding Mylist Ranking Manipulation Videos on Nico Nico Douga) was created, marking a significant moment as it was dedicated to resisting ranking manipulation on Nico Nico Douga. The discussion in the thread mainly centered around the activities of a group known as 80垢 (80 Accounts), derived from the practice of adding 400 Mylist votes to several videos in the early hours, with 400/5 = 80 accounts (since each account could create up to 5 Mylists at that time). Their activities were particularly noticeable during the early morning hours, where they would push videos like the infamous "The Idolmaster KOTOKO Princess Bride!" (https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm280671 [Play], IM@S was a pioneer in ranking manipulation believe it or not) and "Tsurupettan" to the top of the Nico Nico Douga Mylist rankings, suggesting a coordinated effort. As this method was exposed, discussions in the thread intensified and attracted not only those who aimed to raise awareness about the issue but also individuals who wanted to exploit it, including 信者 (Believers/Fans), アンチ (Antis/Foes), and ただの愉快犯 (Just Pranksters) who looked at 80 Account as a deity. This led to either 順工作 (Forward Manipulation, where users manipulate trends, excluding genuinely popular videos) or 逆工作 (Reverse Manipulation, where users vandalize videos suspected of manipulation). The creators of the videos who were caught in the crossfire often deleted their videos because of this. Other users in the thread adopted a more radical approach, deciding to engage in manipulation themselves as a way to raise awareness about the problem. This led to the thread’s original purpose being sidetracked, eventually resulting in the split of users and the creation of the ニコニコ動画工作支持スレ【80垢神】 (Nico Nico Douga Manipulation Support Thread) General, on the same day, where users began organizing their own manipulations, partly as a form of protest against the 80 Accounts.
Members of the Manipulation Support thread began to manipulate a video called アメリカン ゲイ レスリング2 (American Gay Wrestling 2, https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm200572 [Play]) that was uploaded on April 26, 2007, which depicted two men wrestling with the saturation on max and low video quality. After, a few more videos were uploaded to the アメゲイ (Amegay) series until August 10, 2007, when the first video titled 本格的 ガチムチパンツレスリング (Authentic Gachimuchi Pants Wrestling) from the Gachimuchi Pants Wrestling series was uploaded and manipulated into the rankings. However, it was shortly deleted due to the original creator deactivating his account, but then reuploaded on September 30, 2007: https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm1175788 [Play]
Gachimuchi Pants Wrestling (GPW) is a wrestling style with a special rule: if your pants get taken off, you lose.
So why did this video become one of the key driving forces behind Nico Nico Douga's Golden years, and why does it remain one of the most viewed videos on the platform, with 9.8 million views to this day? This wasn’t just some passing joke; it became deeply ingrained in Japanese otaku culture, being referenced in anime, video games, news, and even on game talk shows, cementing its place in the Japanese internet otaku sphere.
The reason is the same as why a lot of other foreign media on the platform gained popularity during that era: 空耳 (mishearings). The two men wrestling in the video, Billy Herrington (a.k.a Aniki) and Danny Lee (a.k.a Kiyoshi Kazuya), had thick New England/Canadian accents combined with intense grunting, which led Japanese viewers to mishear nearly every line as something completely different in their own language.
For example, when Aniki shouts to Kazuya, "Huh? How do you like that, huh?" it was misheard as Thick and Saucy Fried Rice and now Aniki's favorite food is Ankake Chahan:
(Aniki) "Huh? How do you like that, huh?" ->「あぁん?あんかけチャーハン?」-> "Aan? Ankake chyaahan?" -> "Huh? Thick and Saucy Fried Rice?"
A lot of the character names too are based on mishearings such as for example Creamstew Ikeda from Shinnippori Fire Station (Firefighters): https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm5348773 [Play]
(Aniki): I'm finished with you, get up -> くりぃむしちゅー池田 -> Kuriimushichuu Ikeda -> Creamstew Ikeda
But a lot of them are actually derived from how close a character looks to some kind of celebrity like Hatakeyama Bacon who resembles both the Japanese lightweight boxer Takanori Hatakeyama and American actor and musician Kevin Bacon.
I included a translation I made of the original Professional Pants Wrestling video posted to Nico Nico Douga (Video 1). In the next few posts, I'll try to continue explaining a bit more about the Manipulation Incident history and things such as the popular Sanshin of Fairy Philosophy by Pants Wrestling Aniki.
Quotes = Orange
Translations = Blue
Names & Titles = Pink9 replies (and 13 file replies) omitted. Click here to view. (Bump Limit: 250)
Putting this here to not allow foreign influences to ruin my love for this song.
From Billy's 40th Birthday collaboration, using a medley of Touhou-related music:
https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm7620086 [Play]
This just got in the mail this morning. A step back in time. Did you know that the video in the middle is no longer available in its original sm ID?
>>3872 at the top it says:
>In 2008, a flood of ridiculous videos emerged, and our magazine’s pick for the No. 1 ridiculous videos is the Wrestling Series by the ガチムチ兄貴 (Gachimuchi Aniki)
>Because of how seriously they commit to such absurdity, it became popular on "Nico Nico Douga." The reason our magazine awarded this series the grand prize lies in the fact that an obscure American gay video became a widely shared meme on Japanese video sites and gained a lot of attention, or rather, turned into complete chaos (lol).
>Additionally, there’s no way other media outlets could properly introduce such a popular series, and that's part of why we chose it. By the way, the editorial team is all straight (not gay), just so you know.
the box in the bottom left asks the questions of how to enjoy the pants wrestling videos
>The classic way to enjoy the wrestling series videos is by adding misheard subtitles. It’s a staple pattern for these videos, and strangely enough, as you watch, it really starts to feel like they’re saying those lines. It’s truly fascinating. No distortion here!
Examples of mishearings:
>Now we even the score. -> ナウい息子♂ (Naui Musuko) -> Naughty ♂ Son (penis)
>Oh my shoulder! -> お前、人のモノをっ… (Omae, hito no mono o…) -> You, took my thing...
>That's not right, man. -> 仕方ないね (Shikata nai ne) -> It can not be helped.
>Two can play it! -> 新日暮里 (Shinnippori) -> New Nippori (the location this fictional series takes place)
>Huh? How do you like that, huh? -> あぁん?あんかけチャーハン? (an? Ankake chaahan?) -> Huh? Thick and saucy fried rice? (making fried rice is usually like a joke for masturbating)
A parody of that show that made 2channel popular in Japan (Densha Otoko).
Since it was based on a true story here are the original Densha Otoko posts: http://milkyway7075.g2.xrea.com/trainman1.html and the original clip for comparison. The english subs that came with the show aren't great... stuff like using "yes" for キタ――(゚∀゚)――!! is just stupid and also yeah that's Nasubi (Tomoaki Hamatsu).
I was honestly only reminded of this today because the maid working at my house broke a $325 Hermes plate that was a birthday gift for my mother.
This thread is for advice on how to be anonymous on the internet among other things. Do not be afraid to share tools that can provide security, such as stripping EXIF data from images, or anything else that comes to mind, such as advice on reducing your digital footprint. You can and should suggest security and privacy-related stuff that works well within 22chan without breaking the site to enhance the anonymous 22channers' overall well-being such as how to use photoshop and tools of the trade to enhance one's threads and posts. If you have any thoughts about the internet or anything else related to it, please feel free to share them.35 replies (and 10 file replies) omitted. Click here to view. (Bump Limit: 250)
I just installed Windows 10 LTSC N 2021 (EU version) and I think I am in heaven...? It's empty... No bloatware... I just got in and the first thing I did was uninstall Microsoft Edge after installing ungoogled chromium. It's surreal looking into the "Programs and Features" tab and seeing it completely empty of any windows bloatware. Holy fucking shit why didn't I do this sooner.
Oh also I found this on /g/ I forgot to share regarding people use tutanota as their email service.
And i have a tutanota email account..
[https://4get.tux.pizza/instances] use an instance where it's disabled. Select the URL on the address bar, click add as search engine, picrel.