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Anonymous Mon 26/12/2022 12:28:33 PM 2 years ago No. 23
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For those who hung in there since the old 22 went bust, we're officially oldfags now.

Fuck everyone who didn't believe.
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Anonymous Thu 02/03/2023 1:45:28 PM 2 years ago No. 579
my favorite!
Anonymous Thu 16/03/2023 3:58:40 AM 2 years ago No. 663
We need more catanon.
If your an anon and not a fag and a total degenerate then congrats, your one of us.
Anonymous Fri 17/03/2023 7:14:10 PM 2 years ago No. 673
Oh fukken nice you saved my catnon drawing. I lost it along with a ton of old 22 stuff some months ago, glad to see it wasn't lost to time
Anonymous Fri 17/03/2023 7:48:27 PM 2 years ago No. 674
Will you make more catnon drawings?
CAT Wed 23/08/2023 4:56:43 AM 1 year ago No. 1348
>im scared of being banned and having my post deleted
YOU DON'T NEED TO OVERTHINK WHAT YOU POST. worst thing you can do is be scared. all you need to do is ask questions if you are unsure about something, lurk the board, and read the rules. the worst thing you can do is make a shit thread with a snappy one liner and break the rules on purpose. I have gotten banned before and I talked the situation out and was back on my feet in seconds with no real problem and no harm done. your post doesn't need to be a fuckin novel or a Picasso or whatever bullshit. just use your brain when you make a post and deal with the consequences.
>i dont know what to post i ran out of ideas, im bored, etc.
Browse all the threads, and every post board by board. If that doesn't give you ideas, look online for archived 22 threads/posts and get ideas from that. Hell, there's so much content on the internet, you'll never be bored and there are still plenty of stuff to talk about. What you are is a lazy cat.
Record everything you see, hear and feel. Record audio, use a notepad digital or otherwise, write anything interesting or how you feel about things as they happen.
When you consume media, do so in a sense that makes it easy to digest and explain online. When I read a manga, comic, tv show I go by a single page, chapter, volume and episode per day based on what my brain can tolerate.
Remember to document and explain, not just mindlessly consume. Take pics and screenshot regularly if you feel that it can aid discussion or make a point or its just funny.
When I watch a tv show or movie, I take a break every 10 or so minutes to think about what I watch and to take note of anything interesting that I can then translate into content.
Make a fucking thread even if you feel that it would be ignored or something. I will personally go out of the way to review it, and I'm sure others will too. (this goes for really anything including music and vidya)
If you don't know what to watch, read etc then document what people here consume and make a list and watch/read it yourself.
Here is a kind of accurate list of anime featured on the site as being good.
This is not a perfect list and I'll update it in the future with stuff I missed. I am going through one by one and reviewing the manga version of the titles featured in that list. so far, I knocked off azumanga and lain. If I can be productive, You can too. do not burn yourself out when posting and save posts and threads for later. I mostly post 5 times per day and save some extra posts for later or in case of an emergency. if i post more than 5, then I get burnt out and it takes me a few days to recover.
>i want more people to use the site and I don't know what to do.
1 do nothing.
2 tell your friends and family you can trust.
4 word of mouth
3 advertise, but actually use your brain. look online on how to advertise. look online how 22chan advertised in the past and take notes on how people felt, what they liked and hated. you do not want to be a parasite and displace a nice altchan or a communities userbase just so we can be more active. we want friends, not enemies. you do not want to make enemies or be rude. you do not want to make a personalized ad like you see on billboards. you do not want to advertise on a community that has porn, a really bad history (doesn't matter if you like it, we don't like lolcows and sketchy admins) or anything 22chan is against. You probably should only deal with people who want to find a site like ours if it's allowed by that community.
If you don't know what you are doing or doing this out of desperation, then don't do it. If you feel that the staff will clean up whatever mess you make then you're a retard. (Worst case scenario just let the staff advertise)
I don't claim to be the expert nor am I expecting what I posted to be taken seriously, I'm just doing this for posterity.

Productivity No Distractions Anonymous Wed 01/02/2023 2:19:04 AM 2 years ago No. 394
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A thread to discuss the ways you can stay productive and avoid any distractions from getting in your way. This thread can also be used to link any tool that increases your productivity. I'm going to start off this thread with the most important tools I could find.
A way to block any distraction website using the host file located in C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc and accessing using it notepad in administrator mode.
LeechBlock NG a extension for Chrome and Firefox that allows you to block any website.
Incognito Blocker for Chrome used in cooperation with LeechBlock NG to not access any of the tabs blocked using Icognito mode.
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Anonymous Thu 02/02/2023 5:33:46 PM 2 years ago No. 419
In my experience there are no tools or cheat codes to acquire discipline. You simply have to stick by it.
Anonymous Thu 02/02/2023 7:07:40 PM 2 years ago No. 421
I wonder if taking a break from all electronical devices would do something for you.
Anonymous Fri 03/02/2023 7:52:29 AM 2 years ago No. 426
I could try for a day or two, but all my stuff is on the computer, including study materials. The best I could do is read a book
Anonymous Mon 06/02/2023 4:55:42 PM 2 years ago No. 455
Having a safety net is always wise, along with discipline.
Anonymous Thu 09/02/2023 4:56:33 AM 2 years ago No. 479
Hide Youtube thumbnails.

Premature gray hair Anonymous Tue 27/12/2022 3:23:17 PM 2 years ago No. 34
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Have any of you experienced this? I've been growing gray hairs since I was at least 6 years old. They aren't predominant in my head at all and my hair is unmistakably black overall, but If you really looked into it you'd find a bunch of random gray hairs all around. They don't bother me at all, but I do find it curious
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Anonymous Thu 29/12/2022 4:10:56 AM 2 years ago No. 49
Perhaps its related to stress?
Anonymous Thu 29/12/2022 3:33:51 PM 2 years ago No. 54
Are you going to do anything about your grey spots?
Anonymous Fri 30/12/2022 5:00:55 AM 2 years ago No. 60
perhaps its because of lack of nutrience
Anonymous Fri 30/12/2022 5:29:07 PM 2 years ago No. 65
I have one or two silver hairs that only I know about. So does my sister. I think it's pretty normal.
t. dark hair 2X year old
Anonymous Sat 31/12/2022 7:37:22 PM 2 years ago No. 81
Doubtful. I do nothing but things I like most of the time and I rarely give a damn about anything
Nah. It's not like they are a nuisance, I thought it was curious and I wanted to see if there was anyone like that here
I don't think it's that, either, but I did have multiple health problems when I was a little kid
Maybe, but I haven't heard anyone ever talk about this like they talk about premature balding for example, so I think it's still rare to an extent

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