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I AM ANGRY Thu 09/02/2023 9:50:38 PM 1 year ago No. 104
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I. AM. ANGRY. I am angry about ANGER. I am angry about SELF HATE. I am angry about SELF DOUBT. I am angry about EGO, and SELF DESTRUCTIVE TENDENCIES. I am angry about ANXIETY, and FEAR, and COWARDICE. I am angry about WEAKNESS.
If you have any of these problems, get ANGRY about them. Get so ANGRY that you PUT YOUR FOOT DOWN and say "I'M NOT GONNA TAKE IT ANYMORE!".
Get so ANGRY that you FIX YOUR PROBLEMS. You are STRONG, you are CAPABLE.
Post ITT if you are ANGRY about these problems like I am, and want to HELP OTHERS with these PROBLEMS.
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Anonymous Tue 18/06/2024 1:05:20 AM 4 months ago No. 647
Sorry didn't realize you felt that way. I'll knock it off.
Anonymous Wed 19/06/2024 3:25:39 PM 4 months ago No. 648
Well i managed to pull it off and snag mysepf a copy and afterwards they ran out of stock and took the game off of the online stock thing so i'd say it worked out. It's just i had to dedicate a fuck ton of time F5'ing the website and then going in store.
Anonymous Thu 20/06/2024 3:54:25 AM 4 months ago No. 649
culture should not exist only for those who can afford it. it's hilarious because the same people who bitch about muh diversity make the most expensive content. piracy is not a crime.
Anonymous Fri 13/09/2024 3:51:42 AM 1 month ago No. 745
I love how you aren't allowed to ask questions or even take an alternate look at history anymore or just like, talk about a specific group of people without getting a tactical nuke dropped on your ass. For all i know all of history can be fake so why not do research to confirm shit?
Another thing i dont like is how everyone is supposed to have the same religion or political belief like if it fucking matters even though in america atleast it wasn't supposed to matter.
The comics code of conduct was created out of a moral panic and there was major cencorship done to radio broadcasts back in the day when it was actually unwarranted, when anime first hit america in the 90's so many people got pissed off. I wouldn't be shocked if thats why we get shitty localisation of japanese media is because our poor poor american sensibilities can't fucking handle it.
Anonymous Tue 08/10/2024 6:33:44 AM 1 month ago No. 767
https://youtube.com/watch?v=wiehQvYGv6U [Play]
just remembered this sequence from g gundam and it reminded me of this thread, i had no choice

Memory thread, vague or otherwise CAT Fri 17/05/2024 3:40:38 AM 5 months ago No. 597
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>“The dangers of the days but newly gone, Whose memory is written on the earth With yet appearing blood, and the examples Of every minute’s instance, present now, Hath put us in these ill-beseeming arms; Not to break peace, or any branch of it, But to establish here a peace indeed, Concurring both in name and quality. What we determine we often break. Purpose is but the slave to memory.”

The goal of this thread is to recount your memories. Even the vague, hazy ones on the edge of your mind.
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Anonymous Thu 22/08/2024 2:53:55 AM 2 months ago No. 732
sometimes i miss the old minecraft. feels like there were a bunch of features added that made the game complicated for no reason. but it's possible newer generations just think it's how it is and enjoy it like previous players enjoyed the simplicity of older versions
Anonymous Thu 22/08/2024 3:54:52 AM 2 months ago No. 733
That reminds me of life in general. In the past things felt so simple but now it feels so complicated.
Anonymous Fri 23/08/2024 11:12:47 PM 2 months ago No. 734
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yeah. i feel that way too sometimes. i think complexity is beautiful and terrifying at the same time. maybe people grow to appreciate it as they get older
Anonymous Sat 24/08/2024 4:02:00 AM 2 months ago No. 737
I hope I can feel the same way when I get older because I want some clarity on life sometime.
Anonymous Sun 25/08/2024 4:33:01 AM 2 months ago No. 738
i wanna be at peace when im older

Autism stories CAT Fri 17/05/2024 3:33:34 AM 5 months ago No. 596
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ITT : Recount and discuss autistic stuff you, Or other people did recently or in the past.
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Anonymous Fri 14/06/2024 1:01:20 PM 4 months ago No. 639
It was trash day and i had made the foolish mistake to not pull the trash bins up, So i went outside at 10pm, With a shitty hoodie and an extra trash bag to take out. It was like 40° celsius and when i went back to head inside i discovered to my horror the door was locked. My parents locked me outside without realising it, assuming i was asleep. I tried yelling, banging on the windows and finding alternate openings to no avail. It would have taken too long like 4 hours to actually walk over to a store that was actually open and i don't live in a good neighborhood so knocking on doors is a mistake. I tried calling three times on the cell phone and it did nothing so i accepted my fate and curled up in a ball watching anime on my phone at top volume assuming that the heat my phone would generate would keep me warm and the loud volume might wake them up but it didnt work lol and i passed out after watching 5 episodes of lucky star.
Anonymous Wed 14/08/2024 5:21:57 PM 2 months ago No. 707
One time, a Yankee candle wax obscured the wick of the candle. I wanted to light the candle, but I felt like I needed to scratch the wax to get to the wick. I succeeded, and my hands smelled like candles. I didn't realize it at the moment, but later that day at a social gathering, someone commented that someone smelled good, and I smelled myself and realized I smelled like candles.

avoidance Anonymous Tue 13/08/2024 9:09:43 AM 2 months ago No. 700
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do you ever feel like you have to avoid an elephant in the room as to not hurt people's feelings or self image?
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Anonymous Tue 13/08/2024 2:12:14 PM 2 months ago No. 701
i'm never trying to hurt anyone's feelings. i feel like people should always keep that in mind when people try to dissect controversial opinions. i don't like seeing people distressed as that usually indicates something in their past is preventing them from thinking about it clearly. i just want to understand everyone and make sure we're all on the same page.

Neutral Thread Anonymous Wed 22/02/2023 6:32:59 PM 1 year ago No. 124
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Neutral feelings are not talked about often in image boards. I think neutral feelings have the potential to become either bad or good. It highly depends on what surrounds the experience. If everything surrounding the neutral experience is good, the experience will start to have the aura of a positive experience. Neutral feelings can be something interesting to talk about if you let it to. I'll share some of my neutral feelings.
Sometime back, my family was celebrating my brother's birthday, and we did a Nintendo quiz. I got about half of the questions right. It was fun and embarrassing at the same time, so overall, it was a neutral experience. The experience could have been better if I got a few more questions right.
Most workdays are neutral experiences when they are not bad experiences. Working has never been fun, but it is something I have to do. Having a better day at work evens out with how much I have to work. To make my day at work a good day, I need to get paid.
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Anonymous Tue 23/04/2024 3:44:08 AM 6 months ago No. 576
The three interviews I completed today went well, and I was pleased with my level of effort. It remains to be seen if I got any of the position but I am proud about my efforts.
Anonymous Sat 27/04/2024 4:33:39 AM 6 months ago No. 578
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I went on a total of seven interviews this week, and overall I am proud of myself for persevering. At first, I was overwhelmed because this was the first time I had this amount of interviews. I hope I get a position, but I need to keep searching until I am accepted.
Anonymous Sun 28/04/2024 4:34:43 AM 6 months ago No. 579
Today was more or successful when it came to easing my mind. The more interviews I've had the more insecure I was getting because the last few were unsuccessful. That led to me overthinking things when this could potentially be successful. I'm glad I was able to distract myself.
Anonymous Sat 10/08/2024 3:04:33 AM 2 months ago No. 695
Today, I was very sleepy for no reason. I don't know why I was so tired because I slept normally. I wish I was able to do stuff since it is the end of the work week, but I am sure this is just not my day.
Anonymous Sat 10/08/2024 3:51:03 AM 2 months ago No. 696
Are you maybe caffeine addicted and missed out on a cup of coffee that day? It can happen. Or did you maybe wake up in the middle of the night that might also affect it.

Feelings and the holidays Anonymous Sat 31/12/2022 2:22:05 PM 1 year ago No. 5
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How do you anons handle the holidays? Any stories or memories you care to share? As for me, I aim for an extra comfy day every time a holiday comes because if I achieve this I will remember the day forever. Many things can be stressful, so I try not to stress myself out. Last year, I remember getting off work early for work and then being sick on new years eve and new years day.
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Anonymous Tue 26/12/2023 3:22:12 PM 10 months ago No. 480
I got a hoodie so I think I am safe and toasty now.
Anonymous Sun 04/08/2024 1:38:33 PM 3 months ago No. 687
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Holidays mostly suck ass
Anonymous Sun 04/08/2024 2:47:31 PM 3 months ago No. 688
this is why i say, make up your own holidays lol like festivus and if people ask gaslight them and pretend your fake holiday is real.
Anonymous Sun 04/08/2024 3:29:27 PM 3 months ago No. 689
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So jewish
Anonymous Mon 05/08/2024 3:23:47 AM 3 months ago No. 690
The holidays should be some good times of peace. If you are doing festive events out of obligation, I think you are missing the point. If you do anything, do it out of genuine belief and not out of obligation to appease some normalfag.

"Disconnected" Anonymous Fri 17/05/2024 3:49:08 AM 5 months ago No. 599
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Do you ever feel disconnected from people? Like if you don't belong in society or when your in a situation where you have to work with diffrent people, But it's like your a damn ghost or somehow not wanted?
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Anonymous Fri 12/07/2024 8:37:22 AM 3 months ago No. 664
sometimes i express my honest feelings on something and it gets on other people's nerves for some reason. i can be a depressive kind of person but i don't really understand why expressing negative emotions, even if they're not directed towards anyone, gets a bad reaction from others.
Anonymous Fri 12/07/2024 8:47:40 AM 3 months ago No. 665
also, this has been getting on my nerves for a while now, but mental illness or neurodivergence acceptance is not an invitation to be an antisocial or mean asshole.
Anonymous Sun 21/07/2024 6:21:16 AM 3 months ago No. 680
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How do you guys deal with social isolation?
I know on some instinctual level we have a need for companionship, but at the same time I feel no desire to acquiesce to the demands of society in order to achieve it. I don't care how I present myself in public, or how stilted I am when speaking to people for this reason, because I know I'd rather be alone than waste my time with all the bullshit other people bring. Socialization hinges on putting on a front for others therefore anyone I would meet wouldn't connect with me.
I feel like I'm fighting a battle between my instinctual and rational thoughts and it's beginning to wear down my sanity. I hate them all and I also hate myself. The whole paradoxical nature of it all just pisses me off and I'm wondering if anyone is going through something similar. Probably not because I doubt this will make sense to anyone but me, but that's okay.
Anonymous Tue 23/07/2024 3:00:02 AM 3 months ago No. 681
There is no good way of dealing with social isolation because it is not a good situation to be in. It increases your risk for health risk. I think the best thing to do is to get the most clarity on your situation so you know the solution you need.
Anonymous Tue 23/07/2024 5:18:53 AM 3 months ago No. 683
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I promise you anon, what you're experiencing is chronic amongst humanity. These concerns of yours have entered the mind of almost every single person on this planet at least once. This is a problem that I myself have faced for almost my entire life. And for that, I have one thing to say to you; you're thinking about it wrong. You are not a victim of "normalfags" or regular people.
You're right, there is this sort of double faced "game" that people play in social situations. A kind of awful dick measuring contest, constantly. It's horrible, and it's not something I choose to entertain myself. Do you find yourself wondering how hard it must be to find somebody that's actually authentic? Somebody honest, who doesn't play those games? Everybody likes authenticity, and yet, our social lives are filled with plastic fakeness at every turn? It doesn't make any sense, except it does.
Nobody likes playing this social game. Nobody except the narcissistic and self obsessed. Everybody wishes they could be "authentic", and that they could find somebody who is "authentic".
So, what's stopping you from being that authentic person? Naturally, you would be afraid of others not liking you, but truly that is only a symptom of the problem, rather than the source. I can speak from experience, and I promise you brother please believe me, people are attracted to honesty. You do not need to play this game to be socially successful. You simply need to be honest, fair, and good hearted. People of high quality will find themselves inextricably attracted to you, pulled towards your presence. BECAUSE you're honest! Your honesty will terrify some, irritate others, and attract many. It's always going to be a mixed bag.
But-- a problem. You cannot truly be honest with others if you hate yourself, and you admit that you do hate yourself. And thusly, the true problem is discovered. All of us here on 22 are socially isolated, and many here hate themselves. I believe that there is a connection, in that people who hate themselves, and force themselves to behave and act differently around others, actually push people away. People are attracted to good qualities, such as honesty, fairness, morality, intelligence, etc. It's very difficult to have those qualities fully and truly if you hate yourself.
I know that you reading this probably won't solve anything, but if I have one piece of advice for you, anon, it's this;
Love Yourself. Learn to like yourself, learn to respect and appreciate yourself. If you love yourself, you will become okay with others not accepting you, and if you're okay with others not accepting you, then you have more social freedom than even the most powerful normalfag. Because you will then be the arbiter of your own social life, not a victim of it. Honesty trumps all.
Godspeed brother.

how has your relationship changed with the internet? Anonymous Fri 12/07/2024 3:55:13 PM 3 months ago No. 666
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to preface, i grew up pretty addicted to this thing. i can honestly say that i've spent a lot of time on here, more than i should have, instead of focusing on having a real life, real friends, real experiences.

when i was young, the internet was basically this cool place where you felt up to date with all the latest artistic and intellectual happenings. i loved going on omegle and early youtube, where things weren't so censored and creators felt more small and less celebrity-like. there was lots of gross out content, sensationalized music videos, cool online games, things like that. i remember watching youtube videos made out of presentation slides, often for presenting riddles or horror stories.

as i get older, and i'm about in my early 20's, i feel like the internet has started to feel more like "real life" in a way. i honestly can't really identify when things started to feel different. things feel more politicized and less lighthearted. sometimes i go on here and i just feel stressed for some reason. it's hard to tell if it's by design or if it was irrevocably inevitable. at this weird point in my life, i honestly wish i could go out and do more real things (and i do, but, not a lot), to finally break my addiction from the web.

what have your guys' experiences been like with the internet? i also can't tell whether i'm just growing up, maybe the internet still feels like this magical place for young people on it, or if there are bigger things happening to the online space that's shifting our modern relationship with it. and hey, i guess it would be a good thing if i could finally break my 20-ish year long addiction with this thing.
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Anonymous Mon 15/07/2024 2:28:13 AM 3 months ago No. 672
when I was a kid the internet to me was just whatever flash browser game I was playing at the time and nothing more.
When I was a teen the internet was something mysterious and magical. Something to be explored with many cool sekrit websites with sekrit cool clubs to discover.
Now as a young adult just like you OP the internet feels largely dead to me. The novelty and magic is gone knowing that most of the internet is just meaningless bot traffic, retards flinging shit at eachother in meaningless arguments always trying to have the last 'gotcha' reply or online influencers/ecelebs trying to sell you some trash or waste your time with meaningless often faked 'internet drama' or pointless shit like 10 minute videos where they just recite some twitter screencap or stupid 8hour long 'analysis' videos where they just repeat the plot of <insert media> without adding any meaningful commentary. It feels like there's barely anyone genuine left. People figured out that you can make easy money online and since than grifters have taken over
Anonymous Mon 15/07/2024 3:50:24 AM 3 months ago No. 673
I can relate to this post. Grifters are probably the most obvious sign the internet isn't what it used to be. You know grifting is bad when e-begging is no longer shamed. I can understand giving creative people money, but there should be humility, not greed. Greed ruins so many things.
Anonymous Tue 16/07/2024 7:01:19 PM 3 months ago No. 675
It seems that things always go bad once money gets involved. I guess it was inevitable that things would end up like this
Anonymous Thu 18/07/2024 8:06:17 PM 3 months ago No. 677
>novelty and magic is gone
exactly. there's this essence of authenticity that is harder to find nowadays. you look at old forums and people had more character, more interesting and novel things to say, and were less jaded. online propaganda and bot spam is demoralizing and it's hard for authenticity to get the traction it needs to sustain itself.

it feels like people are more pressured to fit in and demonstrating creativity is punished or not rewarded as much as it should be. no one was as judgemental back then as they are now on the modern internet, at least based on what i observe.
Anonymous Fri 19/07/2024 4:04:51 AM 3 months ago No. 679
I get that being a wage slave sucks but the internet needs to be selective of who they reward with internet fame. The way total hacks are reward for mediocrity really shows me how normalfags outnumber non normalfags.