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Not caring about "serious" subjects Anonymous Thu 22/06/2023 6:39:32 PM 1 year ago No. 260
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I still live with my family, so whenever I'm eating at the table I'm bound to listen to the usual "real world" talk. Shit about religion, political parties, abortions, or worse: Gossip about literal whos I care even less about. My problem is that I quite genuinely don't give a shit about any of that, what am I supposed to say when they ask for my input? Of course, the easy answer would be paying attention to the conversation and adopting the position I've concluded they have, but one starts getting tired at one point. You can't just say you don't care because then everyone begins trying to label you as something, for example "young and confused", "is confused but surely supports my side if I tell him more bullshit", "doesn't support my side but doesn't want to tell me", "fencesitter" and some other ones that I don't remember right now.
Is it that hard to comprehend someone just not caring and not even wanting to hear about something because he's fed up? No, I didn't hear about the politician who got outed as corrupt for the tenth time this week, or how old Sally from two blocks down said something that really bothered Sam because John's cousin was hearing.
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Anonymous Fri 23/06/2023 2:35:16 AM 1 year ago No. 262
I do, ocassionally. Most of the time it's pointless smalltalk or stuff that makes them feel just how I feel about their subjects of conversation, but that's not the point of this thread.

To make it clearer I'll present a different scenario: I was talking with some old "friend" I met all the way back in middle school. He asked me my thoughts on abortion since that's been a hot topic around here lately, and of course I told him I can't give him a proper answer because I don't care about the subject, they could be putting fetuses in blenders and serving them with straws at carnivals or passing a law that makes it legal to lynch a woman who aborted and I would care as much as I do right now. For some reason he got mad at me and accused me of saying the fetus blender thing as mockery since he was pro-life, I told him that he was making shit up and that if I wanted to disagree with him I'd tell him dorectly but he just remained butthurt about the topic.
They say the secret to long friendships is never talking about religion or politics, which is very true since faggots go full retard whenever those subjects are brought up, but at the same time is it really a friendship if you are unable to discuss something like a civilized person who is supposedly someone you care about?

And this is all about people who know who you are, when you go online it's even worse. Of course, normalfag social media becomes even more of a cesspool with each passing day which is why refuse to use it outside stuff like youtube, but shit like Discord seems almost unavoidable nowadays. You used to have your forums with their circlejerks and their "you must be logged in to see this link" and while some of them are still around, they pale in comparison to Discord servers. Do you want a mod? Join the Discord! Do you want to give feedback to the creators of a game? Join the Discord! Do you watch XxliteralwhoxX's videos? Join the Discord! It's extremely intrusive. And when you do make a burner account to join these holes of pestilence you will find a bunch of faggots who turn politics into their entire life. Religion I can understand because that's more or less the point, but politics? And retarded American "muh right vs muh left" no less, which function no much different from a cult with its members all wanting to act the exact same way and if you differ slightly you are one of "THEM".
Of course, I never interact with these individuals there, but I have done it in other imageboards and it's as tiring as one can imagine. And of course, if you say you don't care about all that in a context that originally has nothing to do with politics by themselves (videogames or cartoons, for example) then you've commited something worse than supporting the "other side": Being a fencesitter. No, nigger, I don't think "both sides are flawed and bla bla bla" I just don't give a fuck about whatever you're trying to sell me and I'd rather not even think about it. Is it that hard to comprehend wanting some peace of mind and to remain away from this ridiculous circus?

I hope my point has come across more clearly this time, I'll even close with a question: Do any of you feel like this about any particular "serious* subject? Something seemingly everyone goes insane about but you genuinely can't bring yourself to care? And if you do care, are you sure you actually care or is it just because other people care?
Anonymous Fri 23/06/2023 3:53:47 AM 1 year ago No. 263
I lost the ability to feel or care about things and my situation means because i don't, it means i'm evil or that something is wrong with me.
Guess its lie that made me that way or maybe it was because i was unintendedly exposed to shit that fucked up my brain. I want to live a quiet life and figure myself out and what i do care about and so on. I dont want to force myself to feel something to make others happy, i want to feel shit naturally. My situation sucks because im constantly am confronted about shit like that on a daily basis. An example of this is a family member of mine is big on human trafficing and played a video about that shit and said since i dont care, didnt get mad and didnt cry i'm a bad person or im a pedo or that whatever and the thing is sure thats bad i guess that i dont feel jack about squat but am i supposed to fake it? like fuck man its like that every day and all i want to do is this
1 live a normal, quiet and comfy life
2 figure myself out and if i do care then fuck it i'll go full rambo but i haven't reached that point nor do i know how.
Anonymous Fri 23/06/2023 3:58:22 AM 1 year ago No. 264
its funny because i was the one who gave a damn about conspiracy theories but when i talked about them i was basically bullied about it and now their like "oh yeah u where so smart u knew about this"
fuck man.
Anonymous Fri 23/06/2023 8:09:27 AM 1 year ago No. 265
There are a lot of topics that I don’t really care about, but I’ve never been put into a situation like you or >>263 have described (or, at least, I don’t remember any). Even if I’m with one of my parents and their friends are there, they are quite civil about their discussions when it comes to politics and other “serious” topics. Even if they ask for my input, they just accept that I don’t really have anything to say and move on.

>And if you do care, are you sure you actually care or is it just because other people care?
I think the problem is the word “care”. I don’t really “care” about any particular political issue, I just have my views. A lot of people do genuinely care about certain issues though and I think that’s the problem. As you described with the “muh right vs muh left” stuff, most people want to win an argument rather than hear what others have to say. I’ve had some thoughts about the futility of arguing before but I don’t know if that’s off-topic for this thread.
Anonymous Fri 23/06/2023 6:58:43 PM 1 year ago No. 266
Holy shit man that's exactly the feel I was talking about when I made the thread. Sometimes you just can't be assed to care, even if something is "terrible" or "immensely important". Emotional manipulation can tongue my anus.
I guess it would fit the thread, please share
>most people want to win an argument rather than hear what others have to say
Yeah, on subjects like these it's always like this. Yesterday some family members were arguing about religion and then came to vent to me since they remained seething at each other from their previous encounter lol.

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