A 90's/2000's style vidya magazine made by anons, for anons!5 replies (and 1 file replies) omitted. Click here to view. (Bump Limit: 250)
8 issues already out!
Dear Sleepy Station Editors,
I virtually flipped through a couple of pages. Good stuff! Aside from the obligatory shitposting and gratuitous use of naughty language, it genuinely felt like I was reading an old magazine. I really like the mascot even if she is just milk-chan wearing dipper pines' clothes. The next issue needs more fake ads to really spice it up
Pretty sure this is just an disguised advertisement for zzzchan since it's name is plastered all over the place which I don't think is allowed here? https://zzzchan.xyz/v/thread/221665.html
Yeah it's also just zzzchan's mascot apparently or something.
If you're gonna make a video game magazine that's for people outside of your imageboard sphere why would you include your mascot and board culture which would be the equivalent of an inside joke? This is just advertising with extra steps and nothing to really justify it. The way this looks is as though it was left ambiguous on purpose to avoid breaking the rule and keep the thread up but actual readers would make the connection... Not sure if it was a pump and dump and OP will even bother coming back to this thread.
This thread is for the arcade experience, Talk about the games you play, any tips, tricks and advice!11 replies (and 18 file replies) omitted. Click here to view. (Bump Limit: 250)
I did slightly better at pop'n music, but only slightly.
however, i'm TERRIBLE at streetfighter 2, even if i try and fight normally i always panic button mash and i end up getting raped. any advise on how to actually play would be appreciated.
my local arcade has Bishi Bashi Channel although i haven't tried it (yet), seems like minigames and it looks fun.
i googled the story and it actually sounds really cool
how is the gameplay? is it the standard fare vertically scroller thing or does it have something going for it?
I've only played a little bit so far, but Its big draw is there's 18 playable ships to choose from, and how each ship plays can be tweaked slightly depending on what button you pick it with. It's kind of daunting. I still don't know which I prefer. It's by the devs of battle garegga and plays basically the same as that otherwise.
My arcade has all he machines rigged/modded to be "free to play", meaning you can play over and over and in some cases in certian games you just press a little button and you'll revive without any problem. The price for entry is 15 bucks and you can play for the whole day meaning you can really get your moneys worth. In my opinion this is better then Dave & Busters because 20 bucks is like an hour of gameplay if that, some games have a high token cost and it might mean your game time is lower. The trade off is that certian games you play will earn you tickets for sometimes quality goods like switch games and stuff but the ticket cost is kinda high if you actually converted it to actual money.
This is a thread for anons to post videos they take of their gameplay, and to talk about them.
In this clip, I fight a boss in Risk of Rain Returns as Mercenary. I've recently been addicted to this game and the Mercenary is one of my favorite characters. Especially once you get good with him, you can do some cool vwishy vwooshy anime bullshit, which is the whole point considering the fact that he's a canon Japanophile and massive weeb.7 replies (and 4 file replies) omitted. Click here to view. (Bump Limit: 250)
Meh. It had some okay moments but it was otherwise unremarkable. It felt like the first half of a full story which was surprising, considering the fact that the game just ends with no climax or fanfare.
All of the campaign missions were actually very good. Structured and paced extremely well. I enjoyed playing the game a lot, even if it wasn't "perfectly" traditional Halo
Migrating from >>>/vg/1/#637
I've been playing Darius Gaiden all month and finally finished a 1cc. Here's Neon Light Illusion, my favorite boss of the ones I've encountered. The bosses are all giant robotic sea creatures, which I think is cool. I'm emulating the PSX version, so there's a bit of slowdown.
This game's levels are arranged in a pyramid, so at the end of each zone, you choose between 2 zones to play next. I settled on ABEHLQV, which I found to be the path of least resistance. It's a fun system. There are many zones I haven't even seen, so it's good for replay value. I wonder if the ending changes depending on the route you take.
Not shown here, there is also a feature where you can capture midbosses and have them fight alongside you. It's very rewarding, since they have strong attacks and cool designs, plus they give you bonus points at the end.
I had to adjust to how the bombs work in this game, as they don't make you invulnerable until shortly after you press the button, meaning you have to plan ahead to use them effectively, rather than reacting to the immediate situation. They also immobilize enemies, tying into the aforementioned system by making captures easier.
There's a subtle rank system in this game, as in most shmups. Rank is increased by firing, wiping out enemy formations, and destroying optional parts of bosses, so careful shooting is required to keep the difficulty manageable. I arrived at the final boss with a higher rank than usual on this run, but my stockpiled lives and bombs carried me through. I think capturing midbosses also increases rank, but I couldn't resist going for most of them.
The graphics are pleasant, and the soundtrack is top-notch. If you like what you see, check this game out. I hear it's the peak of the series, but I haven't tried the rest.
My sights have recently been put upon the Nu-Doom games. I replayed 2016 and Eternal, and find that I still quite hate both of those games. However, with the advent of modding, I've come to REALLY enjoy Doom Eternal MUCH MUCH more. I'm considering writing a review for these games soon too.
lol for whatever reason it really does look like those shitty looter shooters with the over the top UI
>97.59 MB 872x480 00:01:21
Come on for such a short video you know you can do better than that https://igwiki.lyci.de/wiki/WebM
Everything Metal Slug goes here. Currently I'm going for the Super Devil rank on the PS1 port of MS1. It's a shame not all of the console ports have combat schools, they add even more replayability to the game.33 replies (and 23 file replies) omitted. Click here to view. (Bump Limit: 250)
There was a card game based on Metal Slug Attack that started around the time its EoS was announced. I tried around the time it came out and didn't really like it, so i gave it some time to develop. I tried it again today and I still don't like it.
The game is basically Magic the Gathering but MSA themed. You have a deck of 46 cards, you draw a card once and get mana at the beginning of every turn; nothing too complex about that.
I loved the fact that the starter deck you get is a rebel one since I'm a huge rebelfag, but I did not like that the Regular army and the extraterrestrial armies don't have a single commander. Thehe Independent armies didn't even have one representative until some days ago when Aileen came around, so if you are an Alienfag or a Corruptfag you're shit out of luck getting units you like. And about the commanders in general, while I do understand that they want to base it mainly around MSA rather than just the classic games they could've at least put the main commanders of the armies that do have cards, I find it shocking that they included the Rebels and the Ptolemaics but didn't include Morden nor Ptolemaios.
Another bad thing is that the game is pretty dead, I tried to get some matches for hours both in ranked and casual and I got nothing, so i had to conform with playing against the AI.
Something that bothered me in particular like the mana being called mana here instead of something like AP or sorties which would make much more sense given it's based on MSA.
The deal breaker for me was the card pack system not working properly. I won some matches and got a ton of coins since I made the account in late 2022 and I got the rewards from those old ass missions and wanted to spend them in Rebel card packs, but after I opened some and got a bunch of cool cards they were nowhere to be found in my collection, either that or only one of them appeared there. I decided to try opening a cheap pack to see if it was like that every time but no, that time every card showed up, it seems to be a problem that only affects the middle and high tier card packs. If I can't even be sure if I'll get the cards I gambled for then I see no point in actually spending time with this.
Lol i got metal gear advanced for the gameboy and metal gear anthology for the wii.
any tips for this guy? I'm trying to practice but his shots seem random on top of being huge and rapid. I always die on the first part, never on the second
What metal slug game is this from? To be clear my local arcade has the original metal slug game but i haven't made too much progress lol.
This might sound like bad advice but have you checked youtube for the boss battle? or even searched something like "(insert game here) full walkthrough no Commentary"? Someone might have a strategy in their playthough that might be of use.
I believe it's from Metal Slug 3, this is the boss for the zombie level. I think it's level 3.
I'm not sure what OP's problem with the boss is honestly, because if I recall correctly, the orbs just fire at your current position, and the speed at which they fire increases the fewer aliens there are. It's a pretty simple attack even if it is difficult to dodge
This is a dramatized and somewhat exaggerated retelling of a coop playthrough that a friend and I did of the Dark Souls III mod, "The Convergence".
Many screenshots have been taken for the exclusive purpose of this retelling, as I did not intend to make it a screenshot playthrough originally. Certain details might not be exact, and some segments may be abridged. This is for the sake of storytelling and a smooth experience between locations.
I will be following the name "Sir Bard" for this thread, to keep things "easy to follow".
This story follows one and a half men, as they struggle to traverse the land of Lothric and learn their purpose in their own world. It is not a story that was planned out, nor' is it a story of either oppressive darkness or great triumph of light. It is one of guilt, repentance, confusion, and grief. It has been written in its entirety in one night, during an episode of sleep deprivation. Do not expect high art or perfect grammar.35 replies (and 108 file replies) omitted. Click here to view. (Bump Limit: 250)
As the light faded, I opened my eyes to utter shock and horror. The world around me as I knew it had been taken even further past the destruction I thought possible. The woman now resembled a raisin, and the egg was now only black ash in her arms. The tower, crooked and ruined, the flowers and greenery of the city now dust and corpses. All the matter of the world had been rendered to dust, forming a desert larger than any planet, any mind, any world. All points collided here and now, upon the discovery of that egg. Upon the discovery of her truth. My beloved... why have you done this?
Outside of the tower was desolation and pain. In the distance, another ethereal tree grew inside of a building. This one much taller than the others, and its inscription even more perplexing. "From Fighter's Cave Rest, Your Devotion Leads You On, To Castle Eclipsed" it read. A perfect cycle, as are all things. The shade from before returned, the Hero from Hell, for one last quest. Perhaps it never left? It has always been here. It follows me as I wander, stumbling into a crawling old man, wearing ragged robes and a crooked crown. He speaks of The Red Hood, to which I was confused but only for a moment. Across the way, past 7 thrones, all in ruins, a large, elderly man sat over a corpse, consuming it. He donned a cloak of red, with a hood and all. He looks up at me as I stare down, and mutters something about remembering me entering his painting, before begging me to give him my blood. I look at him with understanding, and shake my head.
This sends him into a rage, and he leaps at me as though he were a monster himself. He is a monster, transformed into one by his ignorance. In another future, that is me staring upwards to another man, whom I hate more viciously than the Devil could hate God. But I am not that man. He fights speedily, viciously, and without mercy. Filled with mirth, for God. For his pain, for his victims, for his foes. For himself. My companion and I are only barely able to survive his onslaught of attacks. He was skilled, powerful, and perhaps one day he might have been wise, but he had lost all of what remained of his humanity. My companion and I defeated The Red Hood, without prejudice. In another time, I would not understand why he lost. Just as the final blow was dealt to The Red Hood, the shade disappeared, almost as quickly as it appeared. I wonder... is it a part of me? It faded away into the wind, beckoning me to another guide.
I followed the ashes of my loved one until the ends of the Earth. I walked and followed the wind for what felt like years, perhaps centuries, or even just a few moments. But when the time came, I knew what I had to do. I looked upon the eclipsed Sun one final time, and finally understood my fate. I understood my role. My purpose. I am alone. I approached the zenith of the End of the World, and It awoke. The Soul of Cinder, my final battle. A mirror reflection into my own mind. Time is a flat circle, and I will be here again. I have been here thousands of times before, in different worlds. Different minds. Different people. The Soul of Cinder begged me for one final battle, and so I gave it one. I fought for all that I had, tooth and nail, blade and bone. Of all the beasts I've slain, monsters I've overcome, demons I've defeated, none have been as difficult as this. It wasn't until I stopped fighting did I understand.
You cannot fight fire with fire. Violence begets violence, and thusly, the most lethal blow you can deal to your opponent is one in your own heart. It is not the anguish of the outer world that is responsible for your pain, it is instead the demons of your mind and soul. If you know yourself, you can take care of yourself, and that is the first step to greatness. You're going to battle, and you're going to fight. Win or lose, you're always alright in the end.
Do it for me. Do it for one another. Do it for yourself, and do it for each other. I caused this war, but how? It was my pain. I caused it with my pain. I was preventing my own victory with my pain. Killing the Soul of Cinder was the final step, and when I finally stopped fighting, it simply kneeled down and let me slay it. That is the nature of things. I let go.
https://youtu.be/5cJ_q_8K1LA [Play]
My path was now clear. I stepped forwards, and let the flame engulf me. Slowly, painfully, it embraced my body, the pain greater than any heartache I had suffered before. I sat, and I thought. I am burning, yet I am not burning. I wanted to win, to defeat all of my enemies, to fulfill my purpose and bring happiness to all those around me. Fear is the source of all anguish, all pain. And pain perpetuates itself.
Embrace the pain, and you will win this game.
And so, I sat, burning, forever and for the rest of eternity. I burned satisfied. Because I love the world. Because I love what is good. Because I can love, even if the world itself fights me at every turn. And one day, the Sun will shine again.
I love you. I will miss you, until the end of time.
General thread for all city builders and adjacent managment games. Share what you're playing, what you already played, or what you want to try next.
Is anyone else excited for the release of Cities Skylines II?6 replies (and 1 file replies) omitted. Click here to view. (Bump Limit: 250)
Learn to pirate.
I personally didn't really like skylines. I felt like it was missing something the old SimCity games had. very bland
I never played this series. What would you say is the appeal of city skylines?
I sure am excited, only problem is 10 FUCKING GIGABYTES OF VIDEO RAM IS REQUIRED?
God, who does Paradox think this game is for? Why, oh why, does this require specifications THAT HIGH? Sim City 2000 kicks its ass and it can run on a 486 DX2 at 66 MHz and only 8 MB of system RAM. For god sakes developers, optimize your games, PLEASE.
It was foreshadowing for the piece of shit it ended up being lole
I'm not sure how far discussion should range on this thread. Do we cut out all fallout games besides Fallout, Fallout 2, And New Vegas? I guess it's for you guys to decide.
Either way, This thread is for the discussion of Fallout and anything related that fits in.13 replies (and 1 file replies) omitted. Click here to view. (Bump Limit: 250)
Honestly companions in NV are pretty damn useful, And they all have fun personalities and backstories. I guess i forgot they where a thing since companions in 3 are retarded. ED-E was someone i just learned about in my second playthrough when i saw the eyebot on the table . nearby primm there's lonewolf radio and you'll get all the parts you'll need to repair him.
Started playing Tale of Two Wastelands, an expansive mod that links together fo3 and fnv into one game, with fnv mechanics. I've never played fo3 before so I'm appreciating the atmosphere and experience of playing a new (2me) fallout game. Not knowing what's around the corner, who I'm going to be going up against, what weapons I'm going to find. It's a really neat mod.
On the topic of mods, Tammer's nif-bashed weapons and armor are pretty great. A very lightweight and broadly compatible mod that lets you rampage in style. Mechanically the weapons fill many holes that vanilla doesn't cover, and design wise there are many treats for aficionados for the history and workings of firearms. Contrast with my experience with stuff like weapons of the new millenium where it loaded up a bunch of raiders with fucking Gyrojets. The fuckers probably wipe their ass with local wildlife if they have a date later, and every last one is kitted out with only the rarest and most coveted experimental firearms. Then they turn me into swiss cheese because, surprise surprise, something as cool as a Gyrojet can only be OP. Anyway, where the weapons go in the game is important and Tammer does a great job of discreetly slipping hundreds of armors and weapons into the world in a very organic way. It's become an autoinclude for me.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c5QG1-uCRsg [Play]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-kbWqLVZ-QM [Play]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C6L2Hbp5abU [Play]
I'm curious how both stories mesh together, So like now your the son of whatever the project purity guy's name is and after getting your ass nuked to save the world you recover from the radiation only to leave washington to become a courtier only to get your ass shot and forget everything? Sounds kinda hilarious.
Really not sure, but eager to find out. I know there's supposed to be a timeskip of several years between fo3 and nv while your character travels across the country and presumably gets a courier gig and visits Lonesome Road, New Reno, and whatever else is suggested by nv dialogue. Fun to think about how the character would think about the legion, because that means they'll have to travel through their turf. Unless it's something like a teleporter or a coma or something.
I've got a healthy little modlist going now. Time to show off.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oAmPESOJ-44 [Play]
a part of me wishes fallout 3 never existed and new vegas was the real fallout 3 but they did play off of characters and themes from 3 that fell flat in their own game.
I can't afford to buy video games, so I'll have to pirate retro ROMs. What is the absolute best video game for the N64?
And no Zelda that shit sucks10 replies omitted. Click here to view. (Bump Limit: 250)
Gamecube has some games that was originally n64 games. Having an n64 with a fuck ton of games i bought from yard sales, I have to say it is worth it if you actually own the console (and thats if it still works, is clean or can be cleaned and so on)
Being a consolefag and living with people that feel like digital emulation is like devilworship, It meant i couldn't just intall an emulator so i had to just make due with what i can find.
Mario 64 has a DS game that has cleaned the graphics and smoothed the gameplay, 3DS (if you can find it) has OOT and a few other games on gamecube (sm64 too i think)
I think switch also has some n64 games emulated to switch you can buy in stores or gamestop.
Also goldeneye 007 has plenty of ports from DS, To Wii, to xbox and i think gamecube.
If you own gamecube disks and not a gamecube, but a wiii, the wii can actually play the disks natively without any problems via backwards compatibility.
Anon, don't use Project64, that's spyware! Use Mupen64 + a Reshade CRT preset. That's what I use and it works very well.
Correct, the N64 has a very small library. There aren't any hidden gems for the N64.
Does anyone have problems with playing n64 games on new screens? i was playing mario 64 and it's all blurry and wide and i was thinking of buying a small tv for the sake of enjoying the game.